  • 期刊


Project of Improving Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatments in ICU




Hospice Palliative Care Act grant terminal patients the conditional right to withdraw their life sustaining treatment with respect to their autonomy of life and medical treatment. Medical treatment may be withdraw when the following requirements are met. They are: The patient must be diagnosed as a terminal patient by two specialist doctors; currently adopted medical treatment is only used to maintain life signs and prolong the dying process; no treatment effect can be seen but prolong patient's suffering. However, as for the actual implementation, the completion rate of life sustaining treatment withdrawal is relatively low for the complex procedures and the nursing personnel's understanding of the Palliative Care Regulations and code of ethics. Therefore, this study aims to enhance the nursing personnel's completion rate of life sustaining treatment withdrawal in intensive care unit. After investigation, the main problems found include: no standard operating procedure for life sustaining treatment withdrawal has been formed; the standard manual for life sustaining treatment withdrawal has not been completed; lacking assisting tools used for withdrawal of life sustaining treatment; the information system path is complicated; and lacking relative education and training of palliative care. This project aims to fulfill the following objectives: design the Standard Operating Procedures for the Withdrawal of Life Sustaining Treatment (I): form the operation specifications of Life Sustaining Treatment Withdrawal and monitor the operation; complete the Standard Manual for Life Sustaining Treatment Withdrawal (II); modify the Flow Chart of Life Sustaining Treatment Withdrawal (III); make the assisting tools used to withdraw life sustaining treatment: 1. make warning posters and teaching discs for Life Sustaining Treatment Withdrawal; 2. put up the Flow Card of Life Sustaining Treatment Withdrawal on each e-nursing cart. (IV) on each sickbed; establish information system with the function of searching information via keywords (V); and enhance the education and training on palliative care. The education and training shall be regularly organized to raise the completion rate of Life Sustaining Treatment Withdrawal from 41.53% to 95.6%. Besides reaching the objectives of this project, the study is of great benefit in improving nursing personnel's reflection on ethics and enhancing quality of care for terminal patients.


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