  • 期刊

鐵人三項參與者動機、運動觀光吸引力、服務品質對參與者滿意度及再參加意願之影響-以2018 Ironman廈門站為例

How The Triathlon Participants' Motivation, Sport Tourism Attractiveness, Satisfaction and Service Quality Affect The Willingness of Re-Participation - 2018 Ironman Xiamen as The Example




This study aims at exploring how the triathlon participants' motivation, sport tourism attractiveness, service quality affect the predictability of participant satisfaction and willingness of re-participation. The objects are the participants in 2018 Ironman Xiamen 70.3 Triathlon. Purposive sampling is adopted in this study, and 450 questionnaires are delivered. After invalid questionnaires and non-purposive samples removed, 434 were valid and the rate of these valid responses is 96.44%. The statistics is analyzed with descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, the relevant analysis and structural equation modeling did statistical analysis. The result shows that the "service quality" contributes mostly to both the prediction of "participants' satisfaction" and "willingness of re-participation." One variable that contributes to "participation satisfaction" is "sports attraction", and another variable that contributes to the prediction of "willingness of re-participation" is "participants' motivation." The structural equation modeling predicts the R-square of "participants' satisfaction" is up to .96, but the result of R-squared on "willingness of re-participation" only .28. Despite the effect size is not very low, but it is far from the former one .96, it is necessary to look for other variables that may have large predictability for "willingness of re-participation" to construct a more predictive structural equation modeling. The roles of the different event, genders, ages, occupations, academic background, incomes and regional participants, they all give significant difference on participants' motivation, sport tourism attractiveness, participant satisfaction, service quality and willingness of re-participation. Men's motivation are obviously higher than girls. Overall, the "Spectators" value event highly than the "relevant personnel", and the "relevant personnel" is higher than "player dependents." People between 20 and 29, the young university students and military personnel who have a bachelor's degree give highly assessment to this event. According to suggestions in the study. Firstly, we should improve the "quality of service" as much as possible, so as to plan activities if we hold a resemblant event in the future. It can also contribute to enhance the "participant satisfaction" and "willingness of re-participation". Next, extending the participants of study to other similar events (e.g. road running race) participants and perform the qualitative In-depth interview to those who are extremists as a reference for holding a similar event in the future.


林東興、楊子孟、涂鵬斐(2010)。外籍運動觀光客對賽會滿意度、目的地形象知覺與再訪意圖之關係研究─以2009 臺北聽障奧運為例。臺灣體育運動管理學報,10(4),75-94。


