  • 期刊


Whose voices are heard? A Discussion on the Feminine Rhetoric of New Taiwan in the Early Postwar Period




In the historical narrative, 1945 was the year which the free world defeated militarism. For Taiwan, it was the historical stage of the "nationalization" of the multi-residents in the territory after the disintegration of Japanese colonial rule; however, the process of national integration was broke in the early postwar period. The gender relationship has always been referred in the process of construction of the national identity. Thus, this paper combines this historical background of Taiwan in the early postwar period and the gender roles in the identity construction as the researching point. Exploring the cultural discourse and imagining nationhood of Taiwanese intellectuals who lived in Beijing in the early postwar period by discussing the feminine rhetoric in the national discourse of the magazine New Taiwan (新臺灣). This paper first summarizes the origin and content issues of New Taiwan, which was published in Beijing in 1946, to explain the historical context of the Taiwanese publications in the early postwar period. Secondly, this paper analyzes the speaking gesture and identity thinking about the Native China(原鄉中國) and Hometown Taiwan(故鄉臺灣) of the former colonial Taiwanese intellectuals who lived in China during the Japanese colonial period by discussing the gender metaphor and feminine rhetoric of New Taiwan. This paper intends to present the political operation of Taiwanese identity and gender discourse in the early postwar period. The emotional narrative of the female voice is showing the Taiwanese consciousness of the Other and the pursuit of subjectivity.


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