  • 期刊


A study of university student sports participation and physical education curriculum satisfaction - An Example in a University of North Taiwan


緒論:臺灣目前有156 所大專院校,每一所學校對於體育課程的制度不盡相同,然而,體育課程仍是維持學生參與運動的主要方法,進而培養規律運動的習慣,藉此,本研究目的在探討國內大學生運動參與情形與體育課程滿意度之現況。方法:針對北部某綜合性大學,透過問卷調查,以配額抽樣方式發放1,200 份問卷,將所得結果以PASW18for window 統計軟體分析運動參與情形與體育課程滿意度現況及不同背景變項對運動參與及體育課程滿意度之差異情形。結果:大部分學生每週運動時間不足210 分鐘,且都是利用體育課程的時間來運動,最常運動的項目為跑步與快走,支持運動的原因為「身體因素」,阻礙運動的因素為「時間不足」,在體育課程滿意度部分以「教師的專業能力」滿意度最高,不同背景變項學生與運動參與情形在課育課程滿意度上呈現顯著差異(p<.05)。結論:增加體育課程時間與改善環境可促使學生參與運動意願及增加體育課程滿意度,建議國內教育單位重視大學生體育課程參與時數,以培養學生自主運動風氣。


The total number of universities in Taiwan is 156 currently. The physical education curriculums of each school are not all the same. However, physical education curriculum is still the main method to keep students exercising. Students can cultivate the habit of regular exercise by attending physical education curriculum. Purpose: This study aims to explore the university students participate in sports and their satisfaction of physical education curriculum in Taiwan. Methods: It was a case study through a questionnaire survey to quota samples by distributing 1,200 questionnaires. The results obtained by PASW18 for window, the statistics software, to analyze the sports participation and the satisfaction of physical education curriculum. Eventually, used ANOVA to compare different backgrounds in sports participation and the different satisfaction of physical education curriculum situations. Results: The majority of students' exercise time less than 210 minutes per week, and they use physical education time to exercise, the most common project is running and brisk movement, the main reason to support exercise is "physical factors". The main impediment of exercise is "lack of time ". In the part of physical education satisfaction, "The professional competence of teachers" got the highest satisfaction. It showed a significant difference in the satisfaction of physical education curriculum (p<.05) between students with different backgrounds and the circumstances of participate in sports. Conclusion: Increasing physical education curriculum time and improvement of the environment can encourage students to participate in sports and increase the degree of Physical Education curriculum satisfaction. It recommended that the domestic educational institutions should pay more attention on the hours of the university students participate in physical education and to cultivate the voluntary exercise habit.


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