  • 期刊


How Tourist Experience Influence Tourists' Satisfaction and Revisit Intentions - the Yongan Grouper Festival


臺灣現今有許多的節慶活動推廣觀光,有關海洋節慶文化的推廣也逐漸增加,近年來政府單位將休閒漁業與節慶做結合,希望藉節慶活動讓轉型後漁業能夠持續保存。本研究以高雄市永安石斑魚文化節為例,探討遊客參與石斑魚文化節時的旅遊體驗與活動滿意度是否會影響重遊意願。研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為高雄市2014 年參與永安區石斑魚文化節的遊客,問卷採用便利抽樣,共發出600 份問卷,回收569 份,剔除無效問卷,剩下517 份有效問卷,回收率達90.8%。分析方法包含敘述性統計、因素與信度分析、變異數分析與中介迴歸分析。研究結果發現:1.遊客基本資料中,只有不同職業的遊客在旅遊體驗與活動滿意度上具有顯著差異;而不同年齡的遊客則在活動滿意度上具有顯著差異。2.遊客的旅遊體驗會正向顯著影響參加石斑魚文化節的活動滿意度。3.遊客的活動滿意度會正向顯著影響參加石斑魚文化節的重遊意願。4.遊客的旅遊體驗會正向顯著影響參加石斑魚文化節的重遊意願。5.活動滿意度對旅遊體驗與重遊意願間的關係有部份中介效果。


Currently, Taiwan Government has intended to combine recreational fishery with the concept of a festival to promote tourism to keep the fishery industry sustainable. This paper adopted Yongan Grouper Festival, happening in Kaohsiung City, as an example. The objectives were to examine whether the experiences of tourists participating at the festival affect their satisfaction and influenced their revisit intentions in the future. The research results will provide an important reference and guidance for Taiwan's government organizations and for future research. A questionnaire survey was designed and distributed to visitors at the Yongan District Kaohsiung Grouper Festival in 2014. Using convenience sampling, a total of 600 questionnaires were given and 569 completed questionnaires were collected, reaching a recovery rate of 90.8%. The analysis methodology included descriptive statistics, factor and reliability analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results found: 1. Inside tourists’ demographics, occupation category has significant effect on tourist experience and satisfaction. Additionally, the age level has significant effect on tourist satisfaction of the Yongan Grouper Festival. 2. Tourists experience has significantly positively effect on their satisfaction of the Yongan Grouper Festival. 3. Tourists satisfaction has significantly positively effect on their revisit intention in Grouper Culture Festival. 4. Tourists experiences have significantly positively effect on their revisit intentions in the Grouper Culture Festival. 5. Tourist satisfaction has partial mediation effect between tourists experience and revisit intentions.


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