  • 期刊


Translating Spanish Children's Literature into Chinese. An Example: Elvira Lindo's Novel Los Trapos Sucios (A Part of Manolito Gafotas Series)




Translation is an act of communication between two cultures. In the history of civilizations, two different cultures or countries may not speak the same language, but they can still manage to communicate with each other through gestures or signals. Regardless of human races or languages, people always share something in common, which can serve as a tool to translate their respective languages. Addition, omission and transmission are some of the most used techniques in the translation field. Sometimes we add some words to complement the meaning, sometimes we omit the remaining words, and sometimes we have to change or modify some words for a better understanding of the overall meaning. Of course, it's not the same to translate a news article than a scientific text, or a literary text, because of the text's particular characteristics. Besides, the age of the reader is an important issue too, like the case of children's literature.In this paper we approach some aspects related to translating Spanish children's literature into Chinese language, with the example of Elvira Lindo's novel Los trapos sucios, a part of her very popular Manolito Gafotas series, focusing mainly on the proper nouns and colloquial Spanish used in the novel.


鄧如砡(2009)。兒童小說《魔血》之中譯本研究: 兒童小說《魔血》之中譯本研究:理論與實務〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2009.00056
