  • 期刊


Learner Analysis: Influence of Age, Gender, and Reading Ability on Postoperative Recovery Following Hip Fracture Among Older Adults


本研究旨在探討因髖部骨折接受手術之70歲以上高齡者,在年齡、性別與閱讀力不同的特質下,其術後恢復相關的因子是否會不同。在北部某區域教學醫院,邀請因髖部骨折接受手術之70歲以上高齡者為對象,共收案150 位,以老人活動量表與步態及平衡評估量表評估術後恢復,主要結果包括:一、年齡分組:80 歲以上的高齡者,其居家環境安全評估得分愈高,術後恢復佳;未滿80 歲的高齡者,則無發現顯著的相關因子;二、性別分組:女生組的高齡者,居家環境安全評估得分愈高,術後恢復佳;男生組的高齡者,則未發現顯著的相關因子;三、閱讀力分組:識字組的高齡者,自我照顧瞭解程度愈好,術後恢復佳;不識字組的高齡者,則未發現顯著的相關因子。透過學習者分析,發現學習者特質的不同,與術後恢復的相關因子有所不同,本研究結果可作為設計術後衛教指導之參考。


This study aims to investigate the differences between the characteristics of older adults (including age, gender, and reading ability) and to determine the differences between factors associated with recovery after hip fracture surgery. Adults aged 70 years and older who received surgery because of hip fractures at a teaching hospital in northern Taiwan were invited to participate in this study. A total of 150 patients were enrolled in this study, and postoperative recovery was evaluated using the Elderly Mobility Scale and Performance-oriented Mobility Assessment Scale. The main results were classified according to age group. In patients aged 80 years and older, the higher the home safety evaluation score, the better was the postoperative recovery. No relevant factors were found patients aged younger than 80 years. For female patients, the higher the home safety evaluation score, the better was the postoperative recovery. By contrast, no relevant factors were found for male patients. Literate older adults had a better understanding of self-care and postoperative recovery, whereas no relevant factors were found among illiterate older patients. The relevant factors for postoperative recovery differ due to the differences between the characteristics of the learners. The results of this study can be used as a reference for designing effective health education for postoperative recovery.


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