  • 期刊


The Mind Experience and Impression of Committing Myself to Weather, Disaster Prevention, and Inter-Discipline Collaboration of Hazard Mitigation




During my four decades in the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), external misunderstanding and criticism on weather forecast had frustrated me in the beginning. However, I still gradually turned my work into weather disaster prevention, and then into natural hazard mitigation with enthusiasm and dedicated attitude. I finally personally witness the approval and appreciation from the public to the CWB and other government disaster prevention units. I also feel contented to see that the public can voluntarily take contingency measures and disposal actions in advance under hazardous conditions to prevent and mitigate unnecessary loss and to maintain their lives and property, thus holding our national power. Furthermore, we cannot exaggerate the effect of weather disaster prevention and natural hazard mitigation because of available technology limitation. The public must be educated that disaster prevention and hazard mitigation measures cannot completely eliminate the risk. Such misunderstanding can cause considerable and meaningless harm.
