  • 學位論文


German Federal Constitutional Court in the Context of European Integration

指導教授 : 陳妙芬


本論文以德國聯邦憲法法院之裁判為中心,旨在探討於憲法法院在面臨區域憲政整合之下,如何在兼顧基本法中歐洲整合之要求以及憲法中基本人權、民主原則等要求。本論文認為,德國聯邦憲法法院之判決以時間加以分期,可約略分為三個時期:(一)整合前期:以馬斯垂克判決作為分界,從歐洲整合開始至1993年,以經濟整合為主;(二)整合中期:自馬斯垂克判決至里斯本判決,憲法法院面臨政治整合做出之因應;(三)整合進行式:里斯本判決後之發展。   第一時期,主要面臨的是較無國家主權敏感性之經濟整合之下,憲法法院對於具有優先適用、直接效力之歐洲經濟整合相關法律,如何與成員國家之基本權利保障系統折衝樽俎開展;第二時期,因應簽署馬斯垂克條約,歐洲整合正式進入以三柱架構為基礎歐洲聯盟下之政治整合,面對歐洲整合普遍存在民主赤字問題,憲法法院開啟以「可以…但是…」的判決形式,扮演著對於歐洲整合存在質疑,但並未成為整合阻礙之角色;在里斯本條約簽屬之後,歐洲整合正式邁入以具有獨立法人格之作為代表之歐盟,民主赤字議題在歐洲議會功能較過往雖然稍加強化下,仍受到憲法法院質疑,而在面對歐債危機之下,成員國家如何面對,如何確保國家權力之民主來源不被稀釋,則是當前憲法法院面臨的主要問題。   除了時間上可將德國聯邦憲法法院之判決做分期,從事務領域來觀察,也可以看出德國聯邦憲法法院主要在兩個層面上對於歐洲整合做出回應:(一)基本權保護;(二)民主原則。而德國聯邦憲法法院在與歐洲法院之「合作關係」要求之下,則是發展出「踰越權限」作為審查之方式,用來確保成員國家之主權國家性、憲法同一性,不會因為歐洲整合而有所減損。


This Thesis analyzes the evolution of reasoning about E.U. democracy, protection of fundamental rights and sovereignty that the German Federal Constitutional Court(FCC) has been shaping starting with the EWG-Verordnungen(1967) and culminating with the Lisbon Treaty case(2009). The FCC’s reasoning has often taken the form of caveats, whereby the FCC “warned” the European Union of its assessments of the state of democracy in the Union as well as the acts of E.U. shall not exceed its own competence, which is derived from its member-states. This Thesis argues that the FCC’s view of the primary source of the Union’s democratic legitimacy has gradually shifted away from the European towards the German Parliament (Bundestag and Bundesrat). Never before has the FCC highlighted the role of national parliaments in buttressing E.U. democracy with such clarity. As a result, the decisions of the FCC can be classified into three periods: (I) The Beginning: when FCC mainly focused on the protection of fundamental rights; (II) The Middle: in this period, the FCC started facing the problem of democratic deficit. Then, (III) the Ongoing: the FCC ruled that as long as the European Union is an association of sovereign states, two consequences ensue: (a) the democratic legitimacy provided by national parliaments and governments, and complemented by the European Parliament, is sufficient; and (b) E.U. democracy cannot and need not be shaped in analogy to that of a state. As a corollary, the German system of parliamentary involvement in E.U. affairs has significantly been overhauled to enhance the legal position of the German Parliament vis-à-vis the Federal Government.


BVerfGE 92, 203 (1994)
BVerfGE 102, 147 (2000)


