  • 學位論文


Determinants of Farmers’ Participation in Agricultural Structural Improvement Programs in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


台灣屬於小農型態,平均每戶耕地面積約為1公頃,無法達成規模經濟的效果降低生產成本,在自由貿易下的今日,台灣農業面臨不利的情況。而政府也為了要改善農業經營規模,也實施了不少相關政策措施,而這些政策措施是否有效與農民是否參與及參與加程度息息相關,故本研究目的在於研究影響農民參與政策措施以及參與程度的因素。 本研究利用問卷調查資料,分析在不同背景的農民對參與結構調整政策是否有差異,再利用雙檻式模型估計,探討影響農民參加小地主大佃農政策、休耕地活化政策以及農業專區之因素,以及影響參與程度的因素,做為未來在推行相關結構調整政策的參考,而瞭解影響農民決策因素後,較容易對對象族群進行推廣,以提升施政效果。實證結果顯示,農民年齡、性別、教育程度、經營面積以及總補貼金額對於參加小地主大佃農政策有顯著正向影響;此外農民年齡、性別、教育程度、農業總收入對於農民參與小地主大佃農面積有顯著負向影響,而在經營面積上則是顯著正向影響。農民的教育程度及總補貼金額對於參與休耕地活化政策有顯著正向影響,而經營面積及農業總收入則為顯著負向影響;此外農民的經營面積與農業總收入對於參與休耕地活化政策的面積呈現顯著正向影響,而教育程度以及總補貼金總額為顯著負向影響。農民年齡對於參與農業專區呈現顯著負向影響,而總補貼金額則為顯著正向影響;此外年齡與經營面積對於參與農業專區的面積呈現顯著正向影響,而總補貼金額呈現顯著負向影響。


Taiwan had an agricultural economy based on small peasant owners. Average cultivated area per household is about 1 ha. Therefore, economies of scale do not exist. Because of free trade, Taiwan agriculture has been facing major challenges. The government has implemented various policies to expand the scale of farm operations. Farmer involvement and the level of participation are widely viewed as a means of assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of various farm policies. The purpose of the study is to analyze the motives and influencing factors behind farmers' actions. This research adopted the survey data to study whether the background of the farmers will affect their willingness-to-join structural improvement programs. In this study, we use Double Hurdle Model models to evaluate the factors that affect the farmer’s willingness to participate in the “small landlords, big tenant-farmers” program, Farmland Activation Plan, and the Agricultural Production and Marketing Specialized Zone measures. We also want to identify the factors affecting the degree of participation. The main purpose of this article is to understand factors affecting farmers' decisions, and then enhance the effectiveness of policy. The results show that: (1) Age, gender, education level, land cultivated and total subsidy have significant positive effect on the adoption of “small landlords, big tenant-farmers” program. For participation degree of this policy, significant negative effect of age, gender, education level, and total revenue was observed. On the other hand, land cultivated has significant positive effects on the participation level of farmers. (2) Education level and total subsidy have significant positive effect on the adoption of Farm land Activation Plans, while land cultivated and total revenue has significant negative effect on that. For participation degree of this policy, significant positive effect of land cultivated and total revenue was observed. On the other hand, education level and total subsidy have significant negative effects on the participation level of farmers. (3) Age has significant negative effect on the adoption of the Agricultural Production and Marketing Specialized Zone measures, while total subsidy has significant positive effect on that. For participation degree of this policy, significant positive effect of age and land cultivated was observed. On the other hand, total subsidy has significant negative effects on the participation level of farmers.




