  • 學位論文


The Study on Upper Secondary School Teacher Professional Learning Community in Taipei

指導教授 : 林宜玄


本研究為瞭解臺北市高中職教師專業學習社群運作狀況,教師專業學習社群的運作特徵及其差異情形,教師專業學習社群運作的阻礙因素及差異情形。採用問卷調查法,以臺北市42所公私立高中職110個教師專業學習社群參與教師,合計826人為母群體,進行抽樣調查。   調查問卷回收後,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析進行資料分析。本研究獲致下列結論: 一、臺北市高中職教師專業學習社群成員以學(群)科教師為主,人數以7~12   人最普遍,大部分社群成立未滿2年。 二、臺北市高中職教師專業學習社群以提升「教師專業素養」為主要目標,其次   是「提升學生學習成效」與「規劃或發展課程」。 三、臺北市高中職教師專業學習社群大多利用共同空堂時間於每月召開1次會   議,且有明確進度規劃與定期進行成效評估。 四、臺北市高中職教師專業學習社群運作特徵表現良好。 五、臺北市高中職教師專業學習社群無運作阻礙因素存在。 六、臺北市高中職不同「年齡」教師對於專業學習社群運作特徵的知覺有差異。 七、臺北市高中職不同「職務」教師對專業學習社群運作的學校支持系統阻礙因   素知覺有差異。


The purpose of the study is to understand the present situation of the teachers’ community, and then, to investigate the differences between different variances and the traits of the community. Finally, to discuss the differences between different variances and the obstacle factors of the teachers’ community for the present study. The study was conducted by Questionnaire Survey. The subjects are 826 teachers in 110 teachers’ professional learning community groups from 42 public/private senior and vocational high schools in Taipei. The purpose of the present study was to understand the practice of teachers’ professional learning community in senior and vocational high schools in Taipei.    After collecting the questionnaires, the data was analyzed based on the statistic methods including Descriptive Statistics, T-test of Independent Samples as well as Oneway Analysis of Variance. There are nine statements concluded according to the results in this study. 1.The teachers’ learning commnuities are organized based on teachers’ teaching subjects, and the member of the team is between 7 to 12 people. Most community groups are founded within one to two years. 2.The main purpose of the teachers’ learning community is to “raise teachers’ professional knowledge.” “To raise the efficiency of students’ learning” and “to plan and develop the curriculum” are secondary purposes. 3.Most teachers’ learning community groups have the meeting once a month. The meeting time is arranged based on teachers’ teaching schedule at school. Most community groups have clear plans for their schedule and regularly evaluate their effiency during the process. 4.The traits of the teachers’ learning community is shown significantly in the study. 5.The obstacle factors did not exist in the teachers’ learning community. 6.Different ages in opearting teachers' learning community are obviously different. 7.Different positions at school in operating as well as school's support system in teachers' learning community are obviously different.


周啟葶(2006)。以「 學習社群 」促進教師專業發展之分析。中等教育,5 7


