  • 學位論文


An Eco-Plaza Design of the Cheng-Kung Public Housing

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


劉易斯.夢福(Lewis Munford)認為,當自我與自然環境契合喪失時,城市開始衰敗和惡化。與自然親合是未來城市發展的重要模式。人居環境是人類與自然之間發生的連繫和作用的中介,最理想的狀態應是人與自然的和諧統一。工業革命後的現代城市,使環境從自然的極端走到人工的極端,讓都市中的人無法有足夠接觸自然的機會。 都市集合住宅的開放空間是居民生活重要的戶外場所。成功國宅廣場佔基地範圍廣闊、住戶眾多並擁有完整的廣場空間,但卻充滿了人造物,讓居民日常生活失去與自然接觸機會。在此建立一生態廣場空間,藉由實質環境之改善,能使居民生活自然融入這表達生態平衡的廣場。 本設計論文擬以「誘導式結構」為操作方法,以「成功國宅廣場空間」為操作對象,藉由生態環境相關議題之探討與分析,推導出成功國宅生態廣場空間的設計概念(目標情境),最終直接落實於成功國宅生態廣場空間設計。 經由文獻探討並配合基地現況條件分析歸納出三十八項歸結,推論出六項設計概念:一、串連都市生態脈絡網的綠色縱谷;二、充滿自然力的露天學習場域;三、縱橫交錯依勢而生的生態植被;四、自然與人文交流的城市綠洲;五、層層相疊多向度的四季生活舞台;六、順應節氣之社區「耕」作坊。由以上六項推論推導出兩項空間情境「自然與生活合奏共鳴的棲居所」、「4D的都市生態互動劇」,並定義「『市』外桃花源」為本設計論文之設計概念,最終將情境轉化為空間規劃設計策略。


The losing of harmony between man and the environment would, Lewis Munford suggested, cause the decline and degradation of a city. Living in harmony with the environment will be the crucial pattern of future urban development. Living environment is the medium connecting humans and nature. We should live together in perfect harmony with the nature. After Industrial Revolution, modern city has gone from extremely natural to extremely artificial, depriving city residents of the opportunity of being surrounded by nature. The open space of a city apartment is an important outdoor facility for residents. The public square in Cheng-Kung Public Housing is a broad area, providing its abundant residents a complete public space. However, filled with man-made objects, it also lessens residents’ opportunities of direct contact with the nature. Building an eco-plaza there would improve the environment, helping the residents live with the ecologically balanced public plaza. This thesis employs “Heuristic Structure” as the operating method, “public plaza of Cheng-Kung Public Housing” as the operating object; discusses and analyzes ecology-related issues; construct the design concept (goal situation) for the eco-plaza of Cheng-Kung Public Housing; and then finally puts it into practice. Through literature review and practical analysis we obtain 38 conclusions and 6 design concepts: (1) a green valley connecting city’s ecological network, (2) an outdoor learning field full of natural energy, (3) an ecological vegetation crisscrossing and covering the whole area, (4) a city oasis where the nature and culture converge, (5) a four-season, multi-axes living stage which has alternate layers of features, and (6) a communal farm well adapted to solar terms. From these six conclusions, we derive two space situations: (1) a dwelling place where the nature and life living in perfect harmony, and (2) a four-dimensional ecologically interactive city stage; furthermore, we also define “a concealed utopia in a metropolis” as the design concept of this thesis, and then convert the scenario into the design strategy of space management.


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