  • 學位論文


Relationship among Job Satisfaction of Nurse Practitioners and Patient Satisfaction

指導教授 : 胡慧蘭


專科護理師在醫療體系中佔有重要角色,其照護品質會影響病人照護成果,因此若能了解其工作滿意度,可有助於改善工作環境及增加工作效率,讓病人得到更專業的照護,故本研究以健康照護體系中之專科護理師為對象,並以專科護理師自覺工作滿意度為自變項、住院病人滿意度為依變項作為研究重點。本研究設計採橫斷式問卷調查法,以北區某醫學中心之專科護理師及其服務之住院病人為研究對象進行調查,研究工具包括受試者基本屬性調查表、中文版麥森納專科護理師工作滿意度量表、醫院醫療照護品質問卷、病人對專科護理師滿意度量表四大部份。資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與階層線性模式進行分析。專科護理師端回收有效問卷44份、病人端問卷共計220份。研究結果發現,專科護理師工作滿意度中,整體構面平均在稍微滿意到滿意之間(M=4.68, SD=0.54);病人對專科護理師照護滿意度平均在滿意程度(M=4.04, SD=0.52),在控制住院病人的年齡、子女數、住院次數、醫院醫療照護滿意度變項後,專科護理師工作滿意度中的「挑戰性/自主性」構面,對於病人對專科護理師照護滿意度具有顯著預測力(p<0.001, β=0.48),因此若能增強專科護理師工作中的挑戰性/自主性的滿意度,可增加病人對專科護理師照護的滿意程度。本研究結果可提供未來專科護理師培養及訓練方向,調整工作內容安排,以提高專科護理師對工作職場的滿意度,並提升病人對專科護理師照護的專業評價。


Nurse practitioners (NP’s) play an important role in the healthcare system. The quality of care provided by NPs impacts patient care outcomes. Therefore, an understanding their job satisfaction could help to improve their work efficiency and provide better care to patients as well. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between NPs’ job satisfaction and patient’s satisfaction regarding NP’s care. This is a cross-sectional study by using the Chinese version of Misener nurse practitioner job satisfaction scale (MNPJSS), the hospital care quality and satisfaction survey, and the patient satisfaction of NP’s care. Descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, single-factor variance analysis, Pearson product difference correlation and hierarchical linear analysis were used to analyze data. Forty-four NPs and two hundred twenty patients answered our survey questions. Our study findings showed that the overall NP’s job satisfaction was between satisfied and very satisfied (M=4.68, SD=0.54) and the patient's satisfaction of the NP’s care was around satisfied (M=4.04, SD=0.52). After controlling some patients’ characteristics, and their hospital care satisfaction, NP’s job satisfaction, especially the satisfaction regarding their job challenges and autonomy, was statistically significant factor associated with patient’s satisfaction to NPs. (p<0.001, β=0.48) In order to increase patients’ NP satisfaction, it is important to increase NP’s satisfaction especially the work could bring them some challenges and autonomy. Our study findings provide leaders and educators areas to improve NP’s job satisfaction, and training to support their role and function.


