  • 學位論文


Exploring Ecotourism and Indigenous Tribes: Taking the Example of Piyaway Tribe in Fuxing Township, Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


2000年週休二日開始實施以後,人們對於旅遊用以抒解身心靈需求之殷切,加上人們對環境惡化之省思,全球觀光發展逐步由大眾旅遊走向充分體驗大自然的生態旅遊。生態旅遊是立基於自然,重視環境教育與生態保育,並且對當地福祉有所貢獻,地方要維持居住環境的美好,提高休戚與共、互相扶持的生命共同體之共識,非得要靠當地部落自己有能力來進行經營管理規劃工作,才能落實生態旅遊的內涵及精神。 本研究採用質性研究方法,透過深入訪談及參與觀察之田野調查方式深入原住民部落-桃園縣復興鄉比亞外部落訪查,訪談組織的核心幹部、生態旅遊的執行者、部落居民、體驗遊客共18位,實地了解該部落經營規劃、行銷生態旅遊的現況及所面臨到的正負面衝擊。 研究結果發現比亞外部落族人因擁有生態中心環境倫理觀的生態智慧,使其保有豐富的自然資源,加上有適度取用及能保持地力的價值觀,使資源生生不息,具有永續經營的理念,除了強而有力的領導者,帶領部落族人找回自信、走正確的路之外,部落族人還有很高的共識與認同感,使在地參與及主體性能顯現,另外更重要的是gaga對族人有超自然的約束力、使行為不逾矩。部落能在眾多同質性高的景點中脫穎而出,就是因為發掘有機種植的核心價值及保育瀕臨絕種鳥類藍腹鷴為精神主軸、堅持保留原始風貌、重視深刻體驗、運用承載量維持遊憩品質,使部落觀光能永續發展。部落發展生態旅遊的衝擊正面多於負面,且族人大都樂見其成,但因族人的內涵不擅行銷,所以須靠遊客及政府相關單位協助行銷。


Ever since the 5-day workweek was introduced in the year 2000, people in Taiwan have not only shown a strong demand for tourist services that soothe their bodies, minds and souls, bus also pondered on the deteriorating ecosystem. The once-dominant mass tourism, as a result, is gradually shifting toward ecotourism in a global pursuit of Mother Nature in its full beauty. With a focus on environmental education and ecological preservation, the nature-oriented ecotourism contributes to local residents’ well-being. An indigenous tribe that wishes to build a shared sphere of pleasant living and team spirit out of its neighborhood, therefore, must make independent efforts in operational planning, or any other action in line with the underlying philosophy of ecotourism. Based on a qualitative method, this study’s author adopted multiple approaches to field studies (i.e., in-depth interviewing and participant observation) in a scrutiny of the indigenous Piyaway Tribe in Fuxing Township, Taoyuan County. The central figures of tribal organizations, persons who implement eco-tours, Piyaway people, and 18 tourists (on a trial basis) were interviewed to collect on-site information about the operational planning, marketing, and positive/negative effects of eco-tourism on the Piyaway tribal village. According to the research results, the abundant natural resources of Piyaway tribe is attributable to the tribespeople’s eco-centric morality and wisdom, which involves “moderate use of natural resources” among other values that keep the soil fertile, the resources occurring, and operations sustainable. In addition to a powerful leader who ensures people across the tribe move forward with renewed confidence in the right path, the tribe’s success in ecotourism is resulted from the tribespeople’s strong consensus and ethnic identity, as evident in the local participation and subjectivity. A more important reason of that success is the supernatural control of gaga on Piyaway people, who consequently exercise self-control when it comes to the ecosystem. The Piyaway tribe differentiates itself from highly homogeneous scenic attractions as it identified the core value of organic farming while preserving its neighborhood’s pristine glory, a persistent attempt centered on the protection of endangered Swinhoe's Pheasant. Emphasizing on significant, rather than shallow, tourist experiences, the tribe offers eco-tours with a carrying capacity that ensures satisfactory recreational services as well as sustainable tribal tourism. The Piyaway people mostly are upbeat on the prospects of ecotourism, which does more benefits than harms to an indigenous village. However, they still need marketing assistance from tourists and authorities alike, due to their incompetence in this regard.


何彌亮(2007)。〈從社區營造探討原住民社區觀光旅遊可行性之研究〉。 《2007第四屆台灣地方鄉鎮觀光產業發展與前瞻學術研討會》。
