  • 學位論文


Labor Process of the Art Administrative Employees:The Case Study of the Administrative Employees in Non-profit Style Visual Art Organization

指導教授 : 劉蕙苓


在藝術領域生態中,藝術家因擁有創作才能,而成為藝術產業運作之核心,藝術行政工作者扮演著協助藝術家的角色,作為藝術家與觀眾之間的橋梁,他們往往位於藝術作品與藝術家背後,在藝術產業生產政治中,藝術行政工作者的勞動過程樣貌為何?勞動意識為何?過去鮮少以馬克思學派之理論切入探討,本研究冀望具體呈現非營利導向之視覺藝術組織行政工作者的勞動過程,及生產政治中之困境,以突顯藝術行政工作者所面臨的問題,期待改善藝術產業之勞動環境。 本論文探討非營利導向之視覺藝術組織行政工作者在勞動過程中之異化程度、趕工遊戲、勞動意識以及生產政治。以質性研究之深度訪談方式進行,共有十一位受訪者。以Marx的勞動理論為根基,延伸Burawoy理論分析。研究發現,藝術行政工作者的異化程度低,付出高度剩餘價值,趕工遊戲以意識形態之責任制進行,志願性順服態度從認同受僱組織理想與組織內部情感中產生,加上獲得藝術無形價值之回饋,掩蓋了勞動過程中的剝削。而藝術家身為資本家之一,不是主要的趕工遊戲制定者,藝術家並非有意識地對藝術行政工作者進行剝削,造成剝削原因是視覺藝術尚未發展為體質健全可自行運作的產業,再者,因藝術組織規模往往不大,所以容易受外部的藝術生態與政府文化政策的牽制,使得非營利導向之視覺藝術領域的勞動過程與生產政治分析,需要同時考量外部環境因素。 在生產政治中,非營利導向之視覺藝術組織行政工作者產生勞動矛盾與困擾,因他們位居非營利導向組織與資本市場之間,依據趕工遊戲出資者不同,而有不同之遊戲規則與目的,有時候與藝術行政工作者自身之勞動目的相背離,或是面對強勢資本家之要求,藝術行政工作者往往需要秉持初衷,同時平衡各合作對象要求下產生之不滿與矛盾之情緒。本文展望未來成立藝術行政工作者職業工會,真正落實勞動權益各項保障,或許是改善勞動環境途徑之一。


To make a comprehensive survey of Taiwan’s Cultural and Creative Industry, the government subsidy is one of the most important financial resources to the art groups. In the long term, the government expects to nurture the art groups’ abilities of being independent and profitable. However, either the government subsidy or the size of the market is not large enough to sustain the growth of the industry. Under the circumstances, since the artists are the creators of art and the core of creative energy, they are usually deemed as one of the capitalists in the industry. However, the arts administrative staff provides assistance and mostly works backstage and lives ascetically in this peculiar field. Thus, it is interesting to discuss the labor process and the predicament of the arts administrative staff in the politics of artwork production. In this study, several issues of nonprofit style visual arts administrative employees are discussed, including the alienation degree of labor process, work consciousness, making-out, and politics of production. In-depth interview is adopted as research method in this study. Ten arts administrative employees are interviewed. The discussion of the research is mostly based on the Labor Theory of Marx and extended to the theory of Burawoy and Wright. There are several findings in the investigation. Firstly, there is little difference in the alienation degree in labor process of the art administrative employees despite of their surplus value. Secondly, the voluntary servitude behavior of the employees is due to the identification with the organization, the bonded relationship from teamwork, and sanctity of art. As a result, the situations of labor-commoditized, exploitations, and surplus value are ignored. Also, the artists, as one of the capitalists, have not intentionally designed the making-out game to exploit the employees. Therefore, the exploitation of the art administrative employees is mainly owing to the immature visual art industry. Furthermore, the visual arts organizations are usually small and medium-sized enterprises and easily affected by external environment. As a consequent, when analyzing the labor process and politics of production of nonprofit style visual arts industry, external factors should be considered. In the study, the labor process and the politics of production are discussed. It may make some contributions for revealing the characters of the visual arts labor behavior. Also, the position of the art administrative staff is adapted to investigate the labor problems in this research. Finally, even the difficulties that the visual arts administrative staff faces could not be solved in a short time, the research offers some reference materials for the government when making cultural policy.




