  • 學位論文


The Sustainable Development Studies of Nantou Irrigation Association.

指導教授 : 林吉郎


本研究以農業永續發展三生一體為主軸,針對南投農田水利會做的個案研究,認為落實農業永續發展的理念,需要政府、企業界、社區團體、學術界和居民的共同參與,將主要研究發現歸納如下: 一、農田水利生態綠美化的推動使得農村社區與文化生活更具特色,使得社區居民更加團結,充滿氣質與在地文化的認同。 二、南投農田水利會農業永續發展的經驗中,在於農田水利會以其平台與夥伴角色整合來自非營利組織、私部門、公部門與學界的資源,攜手合作,裨益凝聚社區共識,協力推動計劃。 三、地方永續發展過程中,領導人的領導風格、組織願景,用領導智慧帶來改變的熱情,為組織氣氛帶來活力,引領讓社區成員了解領導作為,推動參與,增加人際互動機會,提升專業能力,發揮情緒智慧能力,營造和諧氣氛,認清方向、懷抱希望,清楚挑戰所在,捨異求同,積極調適,共同追求永續發展目標。 對於農田水利會與農業而言,永續發展順序:第一是生產、第二生態、第三為生活。生產任務的達成是農業最基本的條件與農田水利會的基本任務,生態綠美化工程的建設成就地方社區總體營造的契機,對於生活文化教育的推行與改善,仍是後續需要持續觀察的重要課題。


This study mainly discusses the sustainable development of agriculture, Nantou Irrigation Association as a case study. To meet the target of sustainable development, there is a need for strong unity in the government, businesses, community groups, academic circles and residents. The main findings will be summarized as follows: First, the performance of eco-green landscaping irrigation makes rural communities and cultural life have more characteristics, as well as, makes residents unite and be full of class and identification. Second, in Nantou Irrigation Association, the experience of sustainable development of agriculture is that the Irrigation Association will integrate its platform with partners which are from the non-profit organizations, the role of private sector, public sector and academic resources. According to constant cooperation, they can work together to benefit the build up a consensus, and work together to step up programs. Third, in the period of local sustainable development, eagerness for reform, leaders with their organizational vision and wisdom encourage community members to enhance professional ability, to create more commutation opportunity, to recognize the direction, to keep the hope that result in the accomplish the goal of sustainable development. Considering the Irrigation Association and agriculture, the sequence of sustainable development is production, ecology and leisure. Both the agricultural basic condition and Irrigation Association basic task are the achievement of production. The construction of eco-green landscaping brings the moment for local community overall building. Education for the implementation and improvement of cultural activities is still need for continued follow-up observation of an important issue.


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