  • 學位論文


A Case Study On Rowing Club Management of The Star Club in Great British

指導教授 : 程紹同


台灣處於亞熱帶島嶼區,四面環海,擁有豐富的水域資源,但均缺乏規劃且限制甚多(蔡崇濱,2004)。行政院體育委員會於民國91年8月推動「海洋運動發展計畫」開拓諸多海洋運動以豐富民眾的休閒活動,交通部、經濟部在水域法令上有所鬆綁。   英國是最早有運動俱樂部的組織形式,主要以英國划船協會為主,發展至今超過500個划船俱樂部和每年超過300場划船比賽,目前有22,000位會員,划船運動遍佈英國各個地區(ARA, 2005),由此可知英國划船俱樂部的組織發展深具規模。   本研究以個案研究方式,深入探討Star划船俱樂部之經營管理情形,以文獻收集、觀察、訪談的方式進行資料收集。以司徒達賢(1999)非營利組織之經營管理CORPS理論,得知Star划船俱樂部是「由一群熱愛划船運動的人士所組成(P),透過專職人員以及志願幹部的內部作業(O),提供社區民眾或學校學生(C)參與合適的划船服務之課程內容(S),而Star划船俱樂部主要的資源為會員所提供(R)。」   Star划船俱樂部主要推展社區、學校結合的划船運動,同時發掘有潛力的青少年,接受俱樂部相關課程,達成最頂尖選手之培訓計畫,在組織經營管理的規劃與執行有完整的具體策略。可提供國內推展划船運動俱樂部經營管理之參考模式。


Taiwan, standing on the subtropical island and surrounding by the ocean, is rich in water resources but there is so lack of comprehensive planning that the development of water sports is restricted. In August 2002, therefore, the National Council on Physical Fitness and Sports proposed the “ocean and water sports develop program” to broaden access of activities in the ocean and water areas for recreation. The ARA (Amateur Rowing Association) is the governing body for rowing sport in Great British. The ARA sanctions over 300 competitions every year, has 500 plus affiliated clubs and 22,000 individual members. In this paper, the CORPS model developed by Dr. Si-tu about the NPO (Non-profit Organization) used for examining the rowing club- Star club, and this study conducted by using methods of documentary analysis and along with the in-depth interviews, find out the participants are a group of love rowing sports people. Through staffs and volunteers move the inside operation. Clients are come from the public people and school students and join their suitable courses. Star club resources are most part from members. People can start rowing in school, university or club at any level and any age. Star rowing club in Great British, known for its integrity of management, provides much of the equipment and facilities and supports talented athletes aiming for high performance rowing and international success. Accordingly, it forms the strategy of combination of sports for all and for high performance. Thus, Star club is sufficient to be a complete model for Taiwan to learn about of good developing and managing rowing clubs.


究。臺北市 : 行政院體育委員會。
