  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship of Passion, Recreation Specialization and Flow Experience: Using Mountain Stream Anglers as an Example

指導教授 : 陳寬裕


在過往研究曾證實,認真性休閒特質愈明顯,其對於活動的持續性涉入的程度較高,產生遊憩專門化的程度也愈高(梁英文、曹勝雄,2007)。而Vallerand (2003)所提出的熱情概念,其對於活動亦具有高涉入的特質,然而熱情具有兩種類型(諧和式與強迫式熱情),且過去研究提及諧和式熱情常伴隨正向的結果,而強迫式熱情則反之。故二元熱情模式是否影響遊憩專門化是個值得探討的議題,且二元熱情是否能產生心流體驗亦值得關注,因此本研究乃嘗試實證研究山溪釣者二元活動熱情、遊憩專門化與心流體驗間的關係,本研究採立意取樣,收集台灣本島各地山溪釣場及特定溪釣相關網路社團共505份之有效問卷資料。經運用結構方程模型(Structural Equation Model,簡稱SEM)分析後。結果顯示,不管是諧和式熱情或強迫式熱情的山溪釣者,都能正向影響遊憩專門化,但只有具諧和式熱情的山溪釣者能正向影響心流體驗,強迫式熱情者則會負向影響心流體驗。此外,本研究亦針對研究結論提出若干管理意涵,期能提供政府相關單位及休閒產業在經營管理上的參考,並提出後續可朝向的研究方向之建議。


It has been empirically confirmed in literature that people with more pronounced traits of serious leisure tend to show higher involvement in recreational activities and a higher level of recreation specialization (Liang & Tsaur, 2007). According to Vallerand (2003), passion conceptually means high involvement in the context of recreation. Passion can be divided into two types, namely harmonious and obsessive. Previous research has shown that harmonious passion is usually accompanied by positive consequences, while obsessive passion often results in negative ones. Hence, whether this dualist model of passion affects recreation specialization is an issue worth studying, and whether these two types of passion lead to flow experience should also be examined. The purpose of this study was to empirically explore the relationship of passion for activities, recreation specialization, and flow experience among mountain stream anglers. Based on purposive sampling, a questionnaire was administered among anglers in major mountain stream fishing spots and specific stream fishing clubs in Taiwan. 505 valid responses were obtained. The responses were analyzed using a structural equation model (SEM). Results showed that both harmonious passion and obsessive passion had a positive effect on recreation specialization, but only harmonious passion could affect flow experience positively. Obsessive passion was negatively related to flow experience. Based on conclusions, this study proposed managerial implications for the authorities concerned and the leisure industry as well as suggestions for future researchers.


