  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relevance between the Intern Students' Satisfaction with Intern System and the Intention to Stay and the Recommendation Intention.

指導教授 : 黃文星


隨著勞動市場劇烈變化以及社會轉型及產業變遷,業界對於具有專業職能的能力需求更甚以往。諸多大專院校,爲了落實校外實習課程之必修學分,並協助學生「畢業即就業、上班即上手」、「學企併進」、「培養國際視野觀」、「團隊合作及職場倫理」,能在畢業後,順利地進入未來工作職場。本研究以中部某優質科技大學企業管理系為研究個案,分析實習學生對於校外實習之滿意度。 本研究透過問卷設計及抽樣方法以取得所需之原始資料,後續並透過信度分析、ANOVA檢定、複迴歸、相關分析等統計方法,藉以檢定本文所建立之四項假說。問卷發放數量總計380份,回收有效問卷為366份,有效回收率為96%。最後,本研究再運用「重要-表現程度分析法(IPA)」找出校外實習應優先改善之項目。實證結果顯示,透過IPA分析法,得知校外實習在加強改善區「重要程度高、滿意程度低」,並未有任何實習項目座落於此象限當中,意謂學生對於系上的實習內容頗為滿意,推論應該是該系推動實習制度已有多年經驗,不少實習廠商與學校合作校外實習已行之有年,在執行層面上較為得心應手,因此獲得學生們不錯的回應。 關鍵詞 : 校外實習、滿意度、推薦意願、留任意願、IPA


留任意願 推薦意願 滿意度 校外實習 IPA


The dramatic changes in the labor market and social transformation and industrial changes, the enterprises have more demand for professional functions. Many universities and colleges have implemented compulsory credits for off-campus internship courses and assisted students in "graduating and employment, working and getting started", "learning by business", "cultivating international vision", "teamwork and workplace ethics". The campus hopes that the students can successfully entered the workplace after graduating. This study processs a case study of a business management department of a high-quality science and technology university in central Taiwan and wants to analyze the interns’ satisfaction about the off-campus internships. This study obtains the primary database through questionnaire and sampling methods, and subsequently uses the reliability analysis, ANOVA, multi-regression, correlation analysis to verify the four hypotheses established in this study. The total number of questionnaires issued was 380, and the valid number was 366. The effective recovery rate was 96%. Finally, this study uses the "Importance-Performance Analysis Method (IPA)" to identify projects that should be improved by priority for off-campus internships. The empirical result reveals that no internship program is located in the "high importance and low satisfaction" quadrant through the IPA analysis which means that the students are quite satisfied with the internship content. This study infers that the department has promoted the internship system and cooperated with lots of intern enterprise for many years. Due to the familiarity of execution, so the internship system receives a good response from the students. Keywords:Off-campus Internship、Satisfaction、Recommendation Intention、Intention to Stay、 IPA .


白宗易、黃宗誠、張珈瑛 (2012)。大學生參與校外實習課程之實習工作滿意、專業承諾與組織承諾之關係。中原體育學報,1,95-104。
