  • 學位論文


How to Improve Willingness of Transferring for Voluntary Military Service

指導教授 : 邱國欽


隨著近年來國防政策推行全募兵制,以募集高素質、役期長的人力進入部隊,建構「量少、質精、戰力強」之優質國軍,是目前主要的國防政策,然近年對於臺灣募兵制推動的難處,原因有其二,第一為隨著少子化衝擊著社會結構,連帶引發經濟等多層面影響,也讓國軍募兵制推行遭遇問題。第二為對招募成效的不佳,兵源逐漸產生缺口,人員的不足及各項年金改革的負面效應,使招募轉服成為當前部隊主要課題之一。 本研究探討在推動全募兵制度中,探討軍事訓練役男轉服意願,是否受到生涯規劃、人是否支持、各項招募資訊、薪資報酬、轉服班隊的多元選擇性等因素影響,以及國軍現行制度及措施與影響軍事訓練役男轉服意願的關聯性,是否因為某些制度的不恰當造成軍事訓練役男不選擇轉服。 本文應用 IPA 方法探討部隊訓練與管理上是否有需改善題項,也會影響軍事訓練役役男轉服意願從20個題項中,診斷結果有6個題項需改善。本文針對需改善題項提出改善建議,讓部隊未來提升戰力及向心力,進而提高轉服意願。


National defense policy has implemented enlistment in recent years. With high quality and long service period human resource to build a “simplified, quality and powerful” army is a main defense policy. However, there are two difficulties for Taiwan enlisted policy. The first reason is low birth rate that destroy demographic structure also bring multilevel effect to our economy and enlisted policy. The second, insufficient of human resource and negative effect of pension reform make enlistment to be a main issue nowadays. This paper want to explore whether the willingness of voluntary service will affect by career planning, people supporting, the information of enlistment, amount of salary, and multi-choices of enlistment and whether the relationship between the institution of military and the factors of voluntary service aspiration will affect by certain inappropriate institutions. This study applied IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) to analyze whether there are some factors which will influence the willingness of voluntary service, need to be revised on military training and management. We found there are six factors need to be improved. This research will focus on providing the suggestions of the six factors improvement to increase the ability of combat and coherence. Further, enhancing the aspiration of voluntary service.


1. 王鑫(2010)。羅馬文明-多種多樣的兵種。北京出版社,中國北京。
2. 台灣國防變革(1982-2016)。我國近年兵力調整方案一覽表。
