  • 期刊


A Cohort Study on Multiple Risk Factors of Liver Cancer, Lung Cancer and Stomach Cancer in Taiwan


癌症是台灣地區居民的首要死因,而肝癌、肺癌、胃癌更佔癌症死亡的前三位。為瞭解這三大癌症的多重危險因子,本研究乃於1982-1986年間,自台灣省十二個鄉鎮區收案13910名男性成人居民,進行長期追蹤研究。以結構式問卷及標準化訪視,收集研完對象之社會人口學特徵,抽煙、喝酒及飲食習慣等危險因子資料,並且採取血液進行B型肝炎表面抗原的檢驗。研究對象之存活及罹病狀況,則以電話或家戶訪現、戶籍死亡資料查核等方法追蹤獲得。 Cox複迴歸分析結果顯示:平均每天抽煙11-20支及21支以上者,得肺癌的相對危險性分別是不抽煙者的4.13及5.67倍。平均每天飲用酒精多於50cc者,罹患肝癌的相對危險性是50cc以下者的3.54倍;HBsAg陽性者,得肝癌相對危險性是陰、陸者的13.7倍;平均每週進食黃綠色蔬菜六餐以下者,得肝癌的相對危險性是六餐以上者的3.16倍。抽煙26包年以上者,得胃癌的相對危險性是不抽煙者的3.06倍。


世代研究 多重危險因子 肝癌 肺癌 胃癌


The non-infectious diseases has become one of the most important public health problems for their rapid increase in mortality rates. Malignant neoplasm is the leading cause of deaths in Taiwan, and cancers of liver, lung, stomach are three major cancers for man. This cohort study was carried out to explore multiple risk factors of these three cancers. Study subjects of the cohort included 13, 910 men who were recruited from 12 precincts and townships in Taiwan and had been followed up for five to eight years. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the information on risk factors including demographic characteristics, cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and dietary habits. The information on the deaths from cause of the cohort was obtained from telephone interviews, household registry and death certification system. Analysis based on Cox's proportional hazard models showed that the relative risks of developing lung cancer for those who smoked 11-20 and>20 cigarettes per day were 4.13 and 5.67, respectively, compared with nonsmokers. The relative risks of developing liver cancer were 3.54 for those who drank alcohol>50cc daily corn- pared with non-drinkers; 13.7 for HBsAg-positives compared with HBsAg-negative; 3.21 for those who consumed vegetable for less than six meales per week compared with those who consumed vegetable more than six meals; and 3.16 for those who had a vegetarian habit for>10 years compared with those who had no vegetarian habit. The relative risk of developing stomach cancer was 3.06 for those who smoked 26 pack-years of cigarettes compared with non-smokers.


