  • 期刊


The Smoking Status in Adults in Taiwan Area: Prevalence Rates and Risk Factors




成年人 吸菸 盛行率 危險因子


The purposes of this study were to understand the smoking prevalence in Taiwan and to investigate the Personal factors related to smoking behavior. The first step of sampling was to select 25 regions from Taiwan area while the second step of sampling was to select 6 clusters in each region. All adults over 17 years of 15 households being located in each cluster were interviewed. Data on 2437 adults including 1192 males and 1245 females were collected. The results were following: (1) the rates of non-smoker, occasional smoker, current and regular smoker, and former smoker were 69.7%, 2.3%, 48.0%, and 4.0% respectively; (2) the rates of never cessation, during cessation, relape and successful cessation were 60.1%, 1.4%, 25.4% and 13.1% respectively; (3) the current smokers in adults aged 20 and over were 50.9% for males and 2.8% for females in sample estimates; 50.3% for males and 2.7% for females in the standardized rates according to WHO's standard population; and 50.5% for males and 2.7% for females in the standardized rates according to 1992 population in Taiwan area; (4) the significant predictors of smoking were gender, age, education, native place, marriage, occupation, attitude toward refusing smoking, assessment of warning labels, and support of anti-smoking policy. Comparing to the prevalence rate of smoking in industrialized countries, there is a higher rate of smoking in Taiwan area. It is imperative that effective approaches for anti-smoking should be adopted. Based on our findings, the target population of smoking prevention programs are those who are male, aged under 30 years old, educated less than 7 years, Fukien and aborigine, married and widow, and low class laborer. Educational strategies should be emphasized on attitudes change.


adult smoking prevalence rate risk factor


江曉惠(2011)。比較不同菸品健康福利捐對目前吸菸者的戒菸意圖 及吸菸行為變化之差異—以台北市萬華區為例〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2011.00042
