  • 期刊


The study of Land Uses along the Upper and Middle Reach of the Keelung River


基隆河中上游河谷地區位於台灣東北角,境內多山,平地狹小,各項土地利用深受自然與人文環境之影響,致其發展頗多差異。蓋此河谷,兩側山丘夾峙,一谷中穿,形成台北盆地、基隆港口、宜蘭平原之天然孔道,鐵路公路穿行其間,運輸倉儲頗爲發達,此其一。群山突兀,溪谷縱橫,地形崎嶇,不利農耕,農業發展深受限制,此其二。上游谷地僻處山區,人口稀少;中游谷地位置優越,人文蒼萃,因而建築用地面積懸殊,此其三。北基運輸走廊介於台北基隆之間,交通方便,市場廣大,有利於工業發展。惟空間狹小,地形零碎,工業用地難求,此其四。基隆河中上游山地盛產煤炭,金瓜石九份出產金銅,對台灣經濟建設頗多貢獻,此其五。山區終年濕潤,青山茂林,爲其特有之地理景觀,此其六。由於本區土地利用甚爲複雜,故研究此一問題深具地理意義。 本文係從地理學觀點,探討本區土地利用相互差異之地理因素,並提出改進意見,以達地盡其利目的。 全文共分六章,凡十萬七千餘字,各章內容簡述如下: 壹、緒論 說明本文研究範圍、地理位置與研究方法,並論述台灣河谷坡地之開發利用,必須基於地理因素,作深入之分析與妥善之規劃,始能發揮土地利用之最大效益。 貳、土地利用分佈 敘述本區農地、林地、礦場、建築用地、工業用地、運輸倉儲用地之利用狀況,分析各項土地利用因受自然與人文環境影響,致其發展頗多差異之原因。 參、農業土地利用 以自然地理因素如何影響本區農業土地利用爲主題,敘述地形與農地分佈、氣候與作物栽培及土壤分佈與農作影響,並提出適應地形、氣候與土壤之增產方法與建議。 肆、天然資源利用 說明森林與水土保持之關係,論述礦產資源開發利用之地理因素,並列舉林地與礦區環境惡化之原因及其改進方法。 伍、聚落分佈與發展 以聚落分佈爲經,以建築用地、工業用地、運輸倉儲用地爲緯,依據本區自然與人文環境,分析其分佈與發展之地理因素。 陸、結論與建議 針對本區土地利用得失,列舉興革意見。




The upper and middle reaches of the Keelung river are situated at the northeastern cornor of Taiwan. The whole valley-land is mountainous, dotted with small and narrow plains. Influenced greatly by both physical and cultural enviornments, the landuses in this region have their own distinguish characteristics. First of all, sandwiched between mountains and hills, the valley passes through them and thus forms a natural route connecting the Yi-lan plain, Keelung habor and the Taipei basin. Today, this natural route has become the most important transportation line for both railway and highway. Secondly, due to its high and steep mountains, dissected valleys and broken terrains, the region is quite unfavorable for agricultural development. Thirdly, the valley-land of the upper reach is a remote mountain area, with only a spare population; while that of the middle reach, owing to its excellently geographical location, is a highly developed area with a heavy population density. Fourth, the Pei-Kee Transportation Corridor, which is situated between the cities of Taipei and Keelung, owns some favorable conditions for industrial development, such as; the convenient transportation systems and the vast markets. However, the lack of the space for industrial landuses as a result of its broken terrains remains an Achilles' heel for its further developments. Fifth, there are plenty of coal mines in the mountain areas of the upper and middle reaches of the Keelung river, in addition, gold and bronze are also produced at Jin-Kua-Shih and Chio-Fin. Both have made a great contribution to the economic development of Taiwan. Sixth, the mountain areas are humid through the whole year, so that the forests grow for all seasons, which has made the mountains green. This is one of the distinguish landscapes in the region. This study is trying to discuss, from geographic viewpoints, the geographic factors which have resulted in the different landuses in this region. Furthermore, the suggestions for improving the unreasonable landuses are mentioned in order to obtain the maximum marginal effect of the landuses in the region. This thesis is divided into six chapters, with a total of more than 107,000 words. The contents of each chapter can be briefly outlined as follows: Chapter 1, ”Introduction”, which explains the location and the limit of the study area, and the reseaching methods. Besides, a suggestion is also added, that is, the further analysis and the suitable planning, based on the geographic factors. are necessary in order to get the maximum profit of the landuses as long as the development of the valley-land in Taiwan is concerned. Chapter 2, ”Distribution of landuses”, which describes mainly the existing situations of the landuses for farmlands, forest-lands, mines, architectures, industries, and transportation, An attempt has also made to analyze the influences of the physical and cultural environments which have resulted in the different developments of landuses in the region. Chapter 3, ”Agricultural landuses”, which deals mainly with the topic ”how the physical factors influence the agricultural landuses in this region”. The emphasis has been put on interpretting the relationships between landform and the distribution of farmlands; climate and crop cultivation; the distribution of soils and farming. Chapter 4, ”Usages of natural resources”, which concerns the relationship between forests and soil conservation, and also describes the geographic factors for the development of natural resources. Moreover, the reasons for the worsening of the environments surrounding forests and mines, and the ways for improvement are listed in this chapter. Chapter 5, ”Development and distribution of settlements”, which is talking about the distribution of the settlements. The emphasis has been put on the analysis of the geographic factors which has influenced its distribution and development, based on the elements of the natural and cultural environments in this area. Chapter 6, ”Conclusions and suggestions”. In this last chapter, the conclussion about the gains and loses of the landuses in this area is derived, and the suggestions for further improvement are also included.




