  • 期刊


Evaluation on Social Work Research Teaching and Learning-A Master Curriculum at the Soochow University




The article aims to evaluate whether the outcome of teaching in master social work research at the Soochow University achieves its teaching goals set in the curriculum, including the integration of teaching and practice. Through October to November of 2003, a self-administered questionnaire was delivered by mail or distributed personally to 91 participants who have taken this course in 1992 to 2002 and tutored by the author; in the end, 55 samples returned with 60% response rate. Based on the analysis of the teaching goals success scale, this course has reached its teaching goals; for instance, ”the course was helpful to understand basic research concepts including each research stage and process” was most achieved, and ”the course was helpful to write thesis proposal”, ”the course was helpful to promote abilities of analyzing and critical thinking” and ”the course was helpful to formulate research issues from practice” were moderate achieved. On the contrary, the goals, such as, ”the course was helpful to understand research ethics and political” and ”the course was helpful to feel free from reluctance and fear” were not attained. Except for the students who have never been working in the practice as a practitioner, the findings from the open-ended questions, the course was useful to the participants' field work, for example, it's helpful to formulate research issues from the practice, know how to build up research purposes and research design, and conduct a research proposal. The participants' most interest in the research designs are: single case evaluation design, qualitative approach, intervention research paradigm and etc; they enjoyed the teaching methods such as group collaborative learning, listening others research experiences, case demonstration, in class exercise and so on. The participants recommended they agreed on the social work research curriculum designed to integrate with practice for both master and doctoral programs.




