  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Movement Education Program on Social Skill and Movement Skill in the Fifth Grade Students


本研究旨在探討動作教育課程介入國小五年級體育課程後,能否提升學童動作技能表現及改善社交技巧。本研究採用準實驗設計,研究對象為台北市內湖區某一所國民小學五年級學童,一班為實驗組,一班為控制組,共兩個班級。動作教育課程共介入十週的時問,每週兩堂課,每堂課40分鍾。於動作教育課程介入前一週進行兒童社交技巧量表填答及動作技能表現檢測之前測,接著進行為期十週的動作教育課程,於課程結束後一週進行後測。主要觀察變項為「動作技能表現」(包括跳躍走、騎馬跑、敏捷跑、立定跳遠、前滾翻、投擲、踢球、擊球等八個項目)以及「兒童社交技巧」(包括合作行為、正向肯定、同理心、負向肯定、自我控制)。本研究所得資料以相依樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗進行統計分析,並將本研究之統計顯著水準定在.05。其結果如下: 一、動作教育課程介入體育課程對實驗組學童的社交技巧及動作技能表現有顯著效果。 二、動作教育課程介入體育課程後,實驗組學童在合作行為、負向肯定及整體社交技巧之後測成績顯著高於控制組學童成績。 三、動作教育課程介入體育課程後,實驗組與控制組學童在動作技能表現上未達顯著水準。 四、動作教育課程介入體育課程後,實驗組學童在動作技能表現後測成績顯著高於前測成績。由上述的研究結果可得知,動作教育課程介入體育課程有助於增進國小五年級學童的動作技能表現及社交技巧。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of movement education on movement skill and social skill of the fifth grade students in physical education classes. This study was designed by quasi-experiment. From two different classes, the fifth grade elementary school students (n=63) in this study, Taipei. One class was experimental group; another one was comparable group. The experimental group was exposed to a 10-week Movement Skill Curriculum that met for 40 min per session 2-time per week. The pre-test and post-test conducted in the first week and tenth week. The Movement Skill Test was used to assess the student's level of movement skill. It contains three factors: locomotor skill, non-manipulate skill and manipulate skill. The Children's Social Skill Questionnaire was used to assess student's level of social skill in physical education. It contains five factors: cooperation behavior, positive affirm, empathy, negative affirm and self-control. The statistical methods included paired-sampling t-test and independent t-test in this study. The results of this study were as following: 1. There was significantly improved on social skill and movement skill after the Movement Skill Curriculum intervention. 2. The students of the experimental group had significantly higher scores on cooperative behavior, negative feedback, and overall social skill than the students of the control did. 3. There was no significant difference on movement skill between the experimental group and control group in the post-test after the Movement Skill Curriculum intervention. 4. The students of the experimental group in the post-test had significantly higher scores on movement skill than the pre-test. As the result, the results suggested that relevant training of the Movement Skill Curriculum for student in physical education class could improve on social skills and movement skill.


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