  • 學位論文


The Origins and Contradictions of Neoliberal Globalization: A Perspective from Critical Realist-Inspired Marxist Political Economy

指導教授 : 孫中興


本文首先在科學哲學的層次上詳細說明了批判實在論的要旨,並透過詮釋馬克思的利潤率下降趨勢理論,來探討批判實在論在社會科學上的應用,並將之視為後文所開展之科學研究綱領的科學哲學基礎。第三章以資本主義階段理論/中層分析的視角出發,探討了托洛茨基–曼德爾的長波理論、法國的調節理論與美國的積累社會結構論;從批判實在論的角度觀之,托洛茨基–曼德爾的「非對稱」長波理論較為謹慎地處理了結構與行動之間的關係,而不致落入化約論與決定論,而特別關注制度因素的積累社會結構論與調節理論,能夠補充長波理論的不足。在第四章中,我以第三章所開展的研究綱領為基礎,一方面補充說明重要的理論觀點(如持久軍備經濟理論和資本主義危機理論),一方面嘗試了某種接近「大敘事」的歷史書寫,分析了整個戰後資本主義黃金時代的興起與衰落。第五章的重點,是從階段理論/中層分析的觀點來俯視新自由主義全球化的各種特色,以俾為之定位;我的做法是探討了「新自由主義下的意識型態、政策與權力形構」與「全球化是否為資本主義的新階段」等課題。最後兩章則進一步研究了新自由主義全球化的主要矛盾,分別探討了資本主義長波走向、新經濟、加速軍事化的資本主義、加劇的社會不平等等問題。 綜合本文的分析,本文認為,新自由主義全球化的背景是資本主義第四次的衰退長波,在這個時期中,資本主義嘗試建立起一個新的階段/生產秩序(積累體制)/積累社會結構,但是並沒有邁入第五次擴張長波的跡象。資本主義的「不平衡與綜合發展律」依舊起強大作用,故超全球化論者的說詞站不住腳,而這樣的不平衡發展,很可能導致資本主義進一步的加速軍事化,以及嚴重的社會經濟資源分配不均所導致的危機。


From the outset this thesis begins at the level of philosophy of science by outlining the tenets of critical realism, and illustrates the application of critical realism in social science with Karl Marx’s theory of the tendency for the rate of profit to fall (TRPF). Based on the critical realist philosophy of science, chapter 3 attempts to develop a new scientific research program focused on the Trotsky-Mandel variant of long wave theory, régulation theory and the theory of social structure of accumulation, all of which are characterized by their capacity to periodize capitalism at an intermediate level. From the perspective of critical realism, the “asymmetrical” long wave theory developed by Leon Trotsky and Ernest Mandel deals with the “structure-agency problematique” more cautiously than the régulation and SSA approaches, while the latter two complement the long wave theory with a stronger emphasis on institutional factors. Following the research program outlined in chapter 3, chapter 4 elaborates on such important theoretical issues as the permanent arms economy and capitalist crisis theories, while attempting at a grand récit of the rise and fall of postwar golden age of capitalism. Chapter 5 analyzes the traits and dynamics of neoliberal globalization so as to locate it at an intermediate level. I bring to the fore dominant ideologies, policies and the power configuration in the neoliberal era, and consider whether globalization represents a new stage of capitalism. The final two chapters probe into the contradictions of neoliberal globalization and address issues of “new economy,” militarized capitalism and growing social inequality. This thesis contends that the socio-economic context from which neoliberal globalization emerges is the fourth slackening long wave of capitalism. In this period, attempts are made to rebuild a new productive order (accumulation regime) or a new SSA, but the fifth long wave upswing has not yet emerged. In sharp contrast with the hyperglobalist thesis, the “uneven and combined development” of capitalism is still under way, leading to further militarization of capitalism and profound crises predicated upon unequal distribution of social and economic resources.




于閔如(2017)。陸生作為一種策略─ 臺灣私校高教全球化的困境與轉型的政治經濟學分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201603836
