  • 學位論文


The Influence of Glass Beads on Retrorefletivity of Thermoplastic Pavement Marking

指導教授 : 周家蓓


道路標線反光性能代表了標線之能見度,其對道路安全有直接影響。道路標線材料中以玻璃珠對標線反光性能有最大影響性。我國於1978年即針對玻璃珠材料制定國家標準CNS 4342,雖有相關玻璃珠之材料規範,但並無反光性能要求。我國遂於2015年另頒布標線成效規範CNS 15834,直接對標線反光性能制定等級。該規範中主要指標為擴散照明下之輝度係數Qd (Luminance Coefficient Under Diffuse Illumunation)與回歸反射輝度係數RL (Ceofficient of Retroreflected Luminance)兩種。前者主要使用於照明充足之情況,而後者用於夜間照明不足之情況。我國目前同時公布玻璃珠材料規範與成效規範,但於成效規範部份上只訂定各等級相關標準,對於如何在實際應用上能同時兼顧兩者仍為待解決之課題。 本研究以回顧規範與各國之標線反光研究找出可能對標線反光性能有關之玻璃珠材料特性,如:玻璃珠數量、嵌入度、折射率以及尺寸等。經由進行試驗場實驗獲知玻璃珠粒度、玻璃珠外撒料、抗滑料以及標線樣本之顏色對標線反光性能有影響,而折射率之高低因素更為重要,且若要兼顧標線抗滑能力,以小石英砂對標線反光能力影響最小,其與高折射率珠之配比以1:1為適當。研究並進行現地實驗,並於從不同地理區找尋研究場地,以比較本研究之實驗組標線與與原地之對照組標線之反光性能差異並進行長期追蹤檢測,由8個月之追蹤結果可以得知本研究所調配之含有高反珠與小石英砂之配比相較原地之對照組可提供不錯之初始乾燥回歸反射能力,其隨時間趨勢為先下降到6至8個月後再上升,並且其皆高於CNS 15834中之最低標準。故本研究認為內摻10%高折射率珠與30%CNS I型珠,且外撒則為1:1之高折射率珠與小石英砂配比共300g/m2為建議配比。


The reflection of pavement marking represents its visibility and influences directly to the road safety. Among all pavement marking materials, glass beads have the most influence to the reflection. Taiwan had published national standard CNS 4342, which related to glass bead material, in 1978, although it has specified the qualities of glass beads, it hasn’t had the requirement on pavement marking reflective abilities. Therefore, Taiwan had published national pavement performance standard CNS 15834 in 2015. It divides different reflectivity coefficient into classes undeviatingly. Luminance Coefficient Under Diffuse Illumination(Qd) and Coefficient of Retroreflected Luminance (RL) are two major coefficients in this new standard, the first one is used when there is adequate lighting in the environment, and the second one is used in the nighttime when there is not enough lighting. At present, Taiwan proclaims material and performance standard simultaneously, while the performance standard only set up the requirement classes rather than having well-defined criterions, hence how to look after both sides in reality is still a work needed to be solved. In order to learn which glass bead characteristic will have an influence on pavement marking reflection, this research has reviewed standards and research internationally and find out four of them, including the amount of glass beads, glass beads embedment degree, glass beads refractive index and glass beads size. By conducting the field test, we learnt that gradation, drop-on glass bead material, skid-resistance material and colour of paint have an influence on pavement marking reflectivity abilities, besides these factors, the refractive index is a much important one. Moreover, in order to take skid resistance into consideration at the same time, we found that crushed quartz in small size could have less impact on pavement retroreflectivity, and it would be a proper proportion for it to be mixed with high refractive beads at the ratio of 1:1. This research has also conducted testament on road in used, and searched research sites at four different geographical area to compare the reflectivity difference between the material this research allocated and the original one used on road and has traced it for a long term. From the result, after tracing 8 months we could know that the proportion that includes high refractive beads and small crushed quartz had better retroreflectivity performance in dry condition than the original one. The tendency of it falls slightly with time from a rather good value till 6 to 8 months after applied and goes up after that. Moreover, the values of retroreflectivity during this period are all higher than the basic requirement in CNS 15834. Hence, we take the portion with 10% high-refraction-index beads and 30% CNS type 1 beads for intermix and the mixture of high-refraction-index beads and small crushed quartz of ratio 1:1 with a total amount of 300g/m2 for drop-on as the proper one.


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