  • 學位論文


The Dutch Reformed Church in the Seventeenth Century Formosa

指導教授 : 古偉瀛


十七世紀,荷蘭人為了與明帝國貿易,輾轉於一六二四年來到位於臺灣西南沿海,當時稱為大員的沙洲建立據點。而荷蘭改革宗教會便隨著荷蘭人的在此落腳而展開了在臺灣的活動。並因著首先幾位牧師的熱忱,向當時居住於臺灣西南平原的西拉雅人宣教,並在一六四三年締造了超過五千名原住民皈依基督新教的事蹟。直到一六六二年荷蘭人被國姓爺擊敗,撤出臺灣為止,荷蘭改革宗教會已經在臺灣四個地區為原住民設立教會或學校,超過七千名以上的原住民皈依。 本研究以荷蘭文原始檔案為基礎,輔以已刊行的檔案資料及學界現有的研究成果,探究荷蘭改革宗教會在十七世紀臺灣的發展。透過分區觀察荷蘭改革宗教會在臺灣各地(西拉雅區、南路地方、虎尾壠與二林、雞籠淡水)的發展實況;深入分析討論在臺灣的牧師以西拉雅語及虎尾壠語所編纂的教義教材;以及探討荷蘭人教會群體在臺灣的發展,多面向地呈現一六二四年至一六六二年一共卅八年之間荷蘭改革宗教會在臺灣的活動。其次將臺灣置於基督宗教自宗教改革運動以後在亞洲、非洲及拉丁美洲等地的發展脈絡之下,透過對同時代天主教各修會在各地的宣教活動,以及荷蘭改革宗教會在聯合東印度公司與西印度公司活動地區所設立的教會之發展的比較,以突顯荷蘭改革宗教會在十七世紀臺灣發展的特殊性。 本研究分為七章,除第一章序論、第七章結論外,第二章大航海時代與基督宗教海外擴張,交待荷蘭改革宗教會來到臺灣的時代背景;第三章與第四章荷蘭改革宗教會在臺灣的發展(一)(二):以實證研究的方式分期分區處理改革宗教會對臺灣原住民的宣教歷史;第五章荷蘭改革宗教會的臺灣原住民教化事業:透過對當時教材與教育方式的分析,探討原住民所受的教育內涵為何,以及荷蘭人教化的目的;第六章荷蘭改革宗教會與臺灣殖民地社會:結合國外基督教史研究的最新發展,探討荷蘭人教會在臺灣的建立,以及教會與殖民地社會間的互動,並探討當時荷蘭人的教會觀。 本論文獲致以下結論:一、十七世紀荷蘭改革宗教會在這四個地區的宣教活動存在著明顯的差異,這些差異則正顯示出十七世紀荷蘭人在宣教事業上的消極性,以及對宣教事業及其策略沒有完整規劃的一面;二、不單是聯合東印度公司對宣教事業消極,荷蘭改革宗教會本身也沒有宣教的積極性;三、荷蘭人在宣教事業上的消極使得荷蘭改革宗教會最終形成了一些界線,僅有很少部份的群體可以越過這些界線,成為荷蘭改革宗教會群體的一份子。


In 1624, the Dutch, who was trying to trade with the Ming empire, has finally settled down at Tayouan, a sandbank located in southwestern coast of Formosa. The Dutch Reformed Church could therefore set up its church. By efforts of the first two ministers, namely Georgius Candidius and Robertus Junius, Christianity was spread to the Sirayan people who lived in the southwestern plain of Formosa. By 1643 there were more than 5,000 aborigines baptised, which was, without doubt, a miracle of Protestant mission in that period. Till the Dutch was defeated by Koxinga and withdrew from Formosa in 1662, the Dutch Reformed Church has set up many churches and schools for the aborigines, and at least 7,000 aborigines were baptised. This research, mainly based on the original Dutch archival materials, as well as published archives and current researches, tries to analyse the development of the Dutch Reformed Church in Formosa. The research first aims on the development itself through following analyses and observation. Firstly, By dividing the Dutch Refomred mission in Formosa into four regioins, the observation focuses on the difference of missionary development of each region. Secondly, Analyses also focus on the teaching materials of Christian Doctrines compiled in Sirayan-Formosan as well as Favorlanger-Formosan. Thirdly, an observation also focuses on the development of the Dutch community of the Dutch Reformed Church in Formosa. The research then aims on the particularity of the development. By placing Formosa in the context of the development of Christianity after the Reformation, some comparisons with the Catholic missions as well as the Dutch Reformed Churches under VOC or WIC are also proceeded. This research comes into the following conclusions. Firstly, the missionary activities of the Dutch Reformed Church in different regions of Formosa exists obvious diversity, which reveals the passivity and unsystematisation of the Dutch mission. Secondly, Not only VOC, but also the Dutch Reformed Church in the seventeenth century was not aggressive in missionary work. Lastly, the passivity of the Dutch mission finally set up some boarders, and only few groups could cross these boarders and became one of the Dutch Reformed community.


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