  • 學位論文

Web2.0融入國小中年級閱讀理解策略教學之 行動研究-以PICASA網路相簿為例

An Action Research of Integrating Web2.0 into Reading Comprehension Strategy Instruction for Middle-Grade Elementary School Students: Taken PICASA Web Album as Example

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


本研究旨在探討PICASA網路相簿融入國小中年級閱讀理解策略教學之行動研究歷程、成果與反思及學生對PICASA網路相簿融入閱讀理解策略教學的看法與感受,冀望PICASA網路相簿及閱讀策略教學的結合可作為資訊融入教學之應用與推廣。 本研究採用行動研究法,以質化和量化的方式進行資料蒐集,對象為研究者所任教的國小四年級學生,透過閱讀理解策略的教學和PICASA線上互評的運用,了解學生在行動過程中的學習歷程與學習成果。活動施行期間,研究者針對行動過程中所遭遇的問題及學生的相關作業表現做詳實的紀錄與省思,整理歸納教師教學省思、教學觀察紀錄、PICASA線上互評的互動情形和訪談紀錄,以及統計分析活動前後所實施的「PIRLS 2006閱讀理解測驗」、「閱讀理解策略教學回饋問卷」和「同儕互評態度問卷」。研究結果如下: 一、PICASA網路相簿融入閱讀理解策略教學能有效提升學生的閱讀理解能力。 二、學生肯定閱讀理解策略的學習方式,認為閱讀理解策略的教學能提升學習成 效,並刺激學習興趣。 三、運用PICASA網路相簿融入閱讀理解策略教學,能促進學生進行反省與修正,進 而提升學生的思考層次與學習效果。 四、學生對PICASA網路相簿融入國小中年級閱讀理解策略教學的看法與感受是正面 的。學生表示喜歡利用網路互評進行學習,認為這是一種創新的方式,不僅有 趣,還能引起學習動機。


This study was aimed to explore and analyze the process of action research, results, reflection and viewpoint on reading comprehension by PICASA Web Albums integrated into reading comprehension strategy instruction for middle-grade elementary school students. It was expected that the combination of the PICASA Web Albums and the reading strategy instruction could be the application and promotion of information technology into teaching. This research was based on qualitative and quantitative analysis. Subjects of this study were a group of 4th students in the school where the researcher taught. Through the use of peer-evaluation and feedback of PICASA Web Albums and reading comprehension strategies to understand students’ learning process and learning outcomes in a course of action. During the process of action, the researcher took down and conducted students’ performance, difficulties and the introspection that the researcher would be encountered in the process of action. Furthermore, the researcher summarized the teaching introspection, observation, the interaction of peer-evaluation, interview and analyzed the result of PIRLS Reading Comprehension Test, the feedback questionnaire of reading comprehension teaching strategies and peer interaction ratings attitude questionnaire. Results of this study may be summarized as follows: 1.Integrating PICASA Web Albums into reading comprehension strategy instruction had showed the significant efficiency on improving the reading comprehension ability for the middle-grade elementary students. 2.The students certainly confirmed reading comprehension strategies, they believed the integration of reading comprehension teaching strategies could enhance the effectiveness of learning and be stimulated in learning. 3.The use of PICASA Web Albums integrated into reading comprehension strategy instruction could promote student reflection and revision, and thus enhance their thinking levels and learning effects. 4.Students’ views and feelings of integrating PICASA Web Albums into reading comprehension strategy instruction were positive. Students expressed they liked to use the Internet to peer assessment for learning. They thought that it was an innovative way, it was not only interesting, but also could lead to motivation.




