  • 學位論文

文化產業與社區互動介面之研究 - 以建國啤酒廠為例

A Study of Interaction Interface between Cultural Industry and Community - Taking Chienkuo Beer Brewery as an Example

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


台灣產業因時代的進步及產業的轉換而產生轉用或廢棄的情形,使原本存於都市空間的歷史脈絡與社經關係面臨改變,經過時間的洗禮,這些產業的空間與行為逐漸被現今所遺忘。本研究基於文化產業再活化,及改善現有建國啤酒廠與周邊社區互動的情形,此兩點考量,希望能達到產業的再活化並改善周邊社區居民的生活空間,達到一個互利共存的互動介面,而提出以人為介質的「社區互動介面」,以空間為介質的「空間聯繫介面」,以活動為介質的「活動參與介面」。 回歸主流思潮下文化產業的發展模式幾乎都以社區為訴求,藉由社區民眾的草根力量,透過溝通、互動與體驗,不但保存了歷史的記憶,也延續了文化產業空間的活化與再利用,而且增加了民眾對於文化產業的記憶,本研究結論如下: 一、為了與全球化相抗衡,文化產業結合社區而創造出不同的特色,經別於其他地區不同的獨特性與多元化,達到文化產業的活化效果。 二、藉由社區互動介面、空間連結介面、活動參與介面的強化,使得文化產業與社區之間的互動能夠提升,增加社區居民與啤酒員工跟遊客的共同記憶,經由不同族群的交織而繁衍出創意的城市。 三、調查結果為空間聯繫介面為首要重點,要踏出互動的第一步,應從實質空間改善進而影響社區互動介面,而提供一個富有彈性的環境。


文化產業 社區互動 介面


With the progress of the times and the transformation of Taiwan’s industries, the transferring use or discarding situations have been yielded then and also make the historical contexts and the socioeconomic relationship to face the change that originally existed in the urban space; moreover, the space and behavior of these industries have been gradually forgotten along with the time. This study is based on the reactivity of the cultural industries and the currently improving status for the interaction between the Chienkuo Beer Brewery and its neighboring community. In terms of considering these two points, this study is hoped to achieve the reactivation for industries as well as improved the living space for these neighboring community residents in order to achieve an interactive interface of mutual benefit and coexistence. In addition, this study is proposed the “Community Interactive Interface” which is adopted people as the medium; the “Space Contact Interface” which is adopted space as the medium; and the “Activity Participating Interface” which is adopted activity as the medium. To return the mainstream trend of thought, the development patterns of the cultural industries have almost adopted community as the demand which can make use of the local power for the community people, through the communication, interaction and experience, it is not only able to conserve the historic memories, but also can continue the activation and reuse of the space for cultural industries; furthermore, it can also increase people’s memories for the cultural industries. Conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. In order to compete with the globalization, the cultural industries have combined with communities to create different characteristics, and through the different uniqueness and diversities from other areas to achieve the activated effectiveness of the cultural industries. 2. Through strengthening the community interactive interface, space linking interface and the activity participating interface to make the interaction between the cultural industries and communities can be improved and increased the common memory for the community residents, Beer Brewery’s employees and tourists; furthermore, a creative city can then be derived from the interaction and interlinking with various people. 3. The survey result is the key point of the space linking interface; thus, the first step of interaction shall be improved from the substantial space to further affect the interface for the community interaction to provide an environment with plentiful elasticity.


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