  • 學位論文


The Interior Design of Grand View Resort

指導教授 : 劉時泳


近年來臺灣地區因消費水平與生活品質提昇,從早期對居住空間的認知,能遮風避雨已心滿意足,到中期簡潔空間能安家立命,更是滿懷感恩,發展至現今的居住環境,講求舒適奢華且要有主題特色、風格等,相對影響國人對休閒活動及住宿空間的重視與需求;室內設計者如何將旅館單一的住宿功能與各類休閒場所結合,提高經濟效益及族群意願。   本研究欲探討並期許、達成研究目的如下: 一、 探討度假旅館結合高爾夫休閒產業等相關文獻,以及相關案例分析。 二、 研擬「雲登渡假會館」地理位置、環境氣候、景象以及設計方法的 概念轉換。 三、 設計實務操作,依空間需求設計最適宜的平面格局。 四、 規劃精準2D圖面設計之呈現及3D空間之模擬,到竣工後之成果照。 本研究以「雲登渡假會館」室內設計案例,探討度假旅館、度假生活型態、高爾夫休閒產業等文獻回顧,以及相關案例做分析研究。其整體之形象、空間機能,以室內設計專業技術為主要工具,探討度假旅館及休閒空間傳達的意境,並結合周邊自然環境、氣候景象及高爾夫球場綠意盎然之美景,用現代簡約設計理念,不作過多綴飾,將戶外豐富的景象引借融入空間形體,營塑休閒度假的舒適氛圍,再融合高爾夫球休閒運動的理念貼近使用者,來達成消費者與設計者、經營者三方產生共鳴。


Due to the improvement of the level of consumption and the quality of life, people in Taiwan have different views concerning living space these years. In early times, they are content with a roof over their heads. Later on, they are grateful if they own a simple and clean place to accommodate the whole family. Nowadays, people are particular about living in a comfortable, sumptuous, and stylish space designed based on a theme. This trend has impacted how Taiwanese people value leisure activities and what they demand for the living space. In this case, interior designers have to learn how to integrate the lodging function of the hotel with various recreation areas so as to increase its economic benefits and hotel guests’ desire to stay. This study is aimed at discussing and realizing the following objectives: I. To conduct literature review based on the integration of resorts and golf leisure industry and to analyze relevant cases. II. To plan the location, environment, views, and the concept transformation of design regarding Grand View Resort. III. To design the optimum layout in accordance with the space demand. IV. To present a precise graphic design and to simulate the completion of the project in a 3-dimension space. This study adopts Grand View Resort as the case of interior design, conducting literature review based on resorts, the lifestyle of vacation, and golf leisure industry and analyzing relevant cases. This study is aimed at exploring the comprehensive images and space functions of resorts based on the techniques of interior design. By introducing the outdoor views of weather, natural environment, and the golf court into the design of the resort, this study has successfully created a cozy space embodying vacation and leisure sports and resonating the appeals of consumers, the designer, and the resort owner.


一、 學術發表、書籍文獻


