  • 學位論文


Design and Application of Route Design Model for Feeder Buses of a Metro Station

指導教授 : 林楨家


在永續運輸與大眾運輸導向發展之趨勢下,國內近幾年積極推動相關政策,其目的皆為有效提高都市大眾運輸系統行駛速率及服務品質,以吸引市民搭乘大眾運輸工具,朝向大眾運輸導向發展型態邁進。公車與捷運系統為都市主要大眾運輸設施,提供大量乘客旅次的往返服務,為提高大眾運輸效率與品質,必須具備完善的接駁公車提供集散服務,以提高捷運系統之可及性,因此,捷運接駁公車系統整合與調整更顯重要。 首先,本研究透過相關文獻回顧與個案訪談結果,釐清捷運接駁公車路線規劃之重要考量因素與決策問題,以路段覆蓋問題為基礎,建構單一捷運站之接駁公車路線規劃模式。模式建構以總路線長度最小化、路線行駛時間最大值最小化以及路線服務人口最大化為目標的模糊多目標0-1規劃模式,考量路線連續性、無子路徑、路線長度、路段設置與需求被服務關係以及決策變數值域等限制條件,並且利用「理想解類似度偏好順序評估法,TOPSIS」作為求解方法,尋找最適妥協解。繼而以台中捷運路線G9站作為模式應用之實例分析對象,透過模式規劃求解,於實例分析範圍內規劃兩條捷運接駁公車路線,分佈於規劃範圍之西北側與東南側,規劃結果並與既有公車路線作比較,結果顯示本研究之模式在路線長度以及路線服務人口方面表現優於既有公車路線,有效使用運輸資源,同時滿足不同重要關係者之目標;相對在公車路線服務人口的可能值估計上,存在較高之風險。最後,透過兩種情境設計調整模式,分別為增加路線與調整權重,發現增加為三條路線時,在目標二、目標四與目標五表現較佳:而調整目標三、四、五之權重後,目標四與目標五隨權重增加表現越佳。 本研究建構單一捷運站之接駁公車路線規劃模式,可用於輔助運輸規劃者進行路線規劃之作業,台中捷運G9站之實例分析過程,可提供未來模式應用於其它車站時參考,且實例分析結果可具體提供台中市政府運輸規劃單位作為替選方案使用。


To realize sustainable transport and transit-oriented developments, Taiwanese government has actively promoted numerous policies in recent years. The objectives of the policies were improving driving speed and service quality for mass transit systems, attracting people to use mass transit systems, and toward transit-oriented development patterns. Bus and metro systems are major public transport services in urban areas. In order to improve efficiency and quality of transit services, as well as to improve the accessibility of metro services, integrating feeder bus and metro services is very important. The following are the contents of this study. First of all, this study identified the decision-making problem and essential considerations for feeder bus route design by literature review and case interviews. Based on the identification results, this work developed a feeder-bus route design model for a metro station. The objectives of the proposed model are minimizing network length, minimizing the maximum travel time of a route and maximizing service coverage for residents. The proposed model considers constraints of route continuities, sub-tour prevention, travel time limitation of a route, relationships between route layout and service coverage, and value ranges of decision variables. Fuzzy numbers are employed to deal with parameter uncertainties, and the model is developed as a fuzzy multi-objective 0-1 programming problem. A case study of metro station G9 in Taichung City, Taiwan is conducted. The Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) approach is employed to solve the programming problem in the case study to obtain the optimum route design. Two bus routes in northwestward and southeastward directions of G9 are recommended by model analyses. In comparing model planning routes with the existing routes, this work confirmed that the model planning routes perform better than the existing routes in terms of network length and service coverage. The model planning routes balance considerations among different stakeholders but facing more risk about passenger estimation. Scenario analyses indicates that increasing feeder-bus route number decreases the maximum travel time of a route and increases the service coverage while increases the network length. Furthermore, increasing the weights of service coverage objectives did increase residents covered by planned bus routes. This study potentially reached the following contributions. First, the proposed model is the first bus route design model considering various stakeholders’ needs in literature and supports bus route planners in developing alternatives. Second, the analysis process of case study demonstrates a model application experience for further model applications. Third, the case study results offer concrete recommendations to the Taichung City Government for further evaluations in an efficient and systematic manner.


12.何友鋒、林建宇與王小璘 (1996),住宅社區多目標規劃之研究,設計學報,第1卷,第1期,第85-100頁。
1.Bernick, M. and Cervero, R. (1997), Transit Villages for the 21st Century, New York: McGraw- Hill.


