  • 學位論文


A Study on Learning Motivation and Learning Effectiveness by Video Integrated into Instruction–A Case Study for Sixth-Grade Social Studies

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


本研究主旨在探討影片融入國小社會領域教學,以國小六年級學習為例,了解學生對社會領域的學習動機及學習成效。本研究以雲林縣某國小六年級的三個班級共73名學生為研究對象,採準實驗設計,分為控制組、實驗A組與實驗B組。控制組依照社會領域教師手冊所列教學流程,使用一般傳統教學,無應用影片融入教學;實驗A組應用影片融入教學;實驗B組應用一般傳統教學加入影片融入教學。實驗教學前,三組學生需先接受「社會領域學習成就測驗」前測、「社會領域學習動機量表」前測;在實驗教學結束後一週內,三組學生再接受「社會領域學習成就測驗」後測、「社會領域學習動機量表」後測。將測驗結果進行分析,以瞭解實驗教學的影響。 由實驗結果顯示,在學習成效方面,實驗組明顯優於控制組;低成就學生在不同的教學設計,對社會領域學習有顯著差異;另外在「社會領域學習動機量表」方面,實驗組與控制組學生在「專注力」與「關聯性」兩個分量表均達顯著差異。


The study aimed to explore the video integrated into instruction used in the social studies for 6th grades in an elementary school, and to find the significant differences related to learning motivations and effectiveness. This study adopted quasi-experimental research,and the study group consisted of 73 6th-graders in the Yunlin County Elementary School. They were randomly assigned into the control group, experimental groups A and B. The control group used the traditional teaching method of white board teaching without any video invloved. The experimental group A used the website video teaching . The experimental group B used both the traditional teaching method and website video teaching. All three groups of students first took pre-test of “learning achievement test in social studies" and "learning motivation scale in social studies". Within a week after the experimental teaching, the students took post-test of “learning achievement test in social studies" and "learning motivation scale in social studies". The results obtained from these tests were analyzed to understand the effects of the experimental teaching methods. The experimental results show that the experimental groups achieve a significant improvement over the control group in learning effectiveness. The low-achievement students show significant differences in learning effectiveness among various instructional design. In addition, the results of learning motivation scale in social studies show significant differences in "attention" and "relevance" between the control group and the experimental groups.


〔85〕黃靚芬,2012,”競賽式數位遊戲融入教學對小學生社會領域學習成效影響之研究”, 臺北私立淡江大學碩士論文(未出版),新北市。
