  • 學位論文


"My park; His playground"The changes of landscape in cities for dogs' amusement area: The Dog Run in Jhonghe City NO.4 park

指導教授 : 張聖琳


曾幾何時,遛狗活動在台灣已經蔚為一股風潮。隨著近年來社會型態和價值的轉變,民眾養狗的目的轉變至現今,已是將狗視為伴侶,以獲得心靈寄託。因此,遛狗活動已經成為飼主和寵物之間最重要的互動和休閒活動方式。隨著國人養狗風氣日盛,部分縣市政府也開始著手修改公園管理自治條例,開放飼主可以在幫狗繫繩的狀態下,將其帶入公園活動,城市中一種嶄新的狗地景型態於是出現。 合法化家狗可以進入公園後,開始有一些狗咬傷民眾,或是寵物糞便使公園環境髒亂的新聞出現。縣市政府於是啟用一些河濱公園綠地規劃成「狗公園」供民眾使用,但這類公園位置,往往離民眾住家距離太遠。研究中指出,民眾在選擇休閒運動場所時,最常前往免費、並能在徒步十分鐘內可到達的場所進行,因此讓都市公園規劃設置遛狗專區的議題更為明顯。在人口高密度且缺乏綠地空間的台北縣雙和地區,中和四號公園是提供社區民眾休閒與運動的主要場域,也是寵物飼主從事遛狗活動的最佳選擇。位於其中的遛狗專區,是全國第一個設置專為了滿足狗類活動需求所規劃的空間,讓其在無需牽繩束縛的狀態下自由活動。有鑒於國內狗與地景相關的研究十分缺乏,加以研究對象具有其特殊代表性質,故選定此為研究主題。 本研究採「個案研究」方式,結合文獻回顧、參與式觀察、訪談法與問卷調查進行交叉研究,呈現出客觀的看法與建議。針對遛狗專區的硬體、管理制度探討,輔以相關訪談與問卷調查,深入探討遛狗專區的變遷過程與民眾認同,並期許相關研究成果能供給國內政府單位未來制定公共空間開放政策與規劃都市公園設置遛狗專區建議參考。


狗地景 遛狗專區 個案研究


Since whenever, walking dogs has become a trend in Taiwan. With the transition of society and values, people raise dogs as a function for watching house before has changed to spiritual needs as a couple or an emotional commitment. Therefore, walking dogs obviously becomes the important interaction between owner and his pet. With more and more people raising dogs, the local government has proceeded to amend management rules of park such as allowing owners to let their pet dogs into park go around with leash. As a result, the new landscape in cities for dogs’ amusement area had been formed. After Legalizing dogs to enter park, News such as dogs bite people or doggy poo makes the environment dirty and mass are reported. The local government started to plan some riverside park as dogs’ park for people to use. However, this kind of park is far away form residential district. As research shows that when people choose place for their leisure activities, they are tend to go the place that is free and can be arrived within 10 minutes on foot. Therefore, it follows the issue that to scheme out dog walking section in city park. Shuanghe district in Taipei County is in high population density and lacks of green land; the Jhonghe City NO. 4 Park is the best choice for dog owners to walk their dogs. The Dog Run in it is the first planed space that is designed especially to provide a comfortable space for dogs to act freely without any leash. This research adopts “case study”; combing methods such as records reference, observation by participating, interview and questionnaire survey to proceed and present objective opinion and advice. It makes exploration aiming at the hardware and management system in Dog Runs; assisting with interview and questionnaire survey to investigate deeply the change process of this section and people’s approval for this section. With this research result, I am looking forward to provide it as a reference or suggestion for the government to make policy about opening up public area and to plan Dog Runs in Urban Park Area in the future.


Dog Run case study


王應棠(2009),《棲居與空間 海德洛空間思維的轉折》。台北:地理學報 第五十五期:25-42。
