  • 學位論文


A study on the relationship between the physical conditions of the aged farmers to the developments of Urban and rural areas

指導教授 : 徐世勳


新北市農會自2009年起承辦新北市農漁民健康檢查,受檢的對象為新北市內各區農漁會50歲以上農漁會正會員或農民保險被保險人,每兩年受檢一次,截至2015年止共43,910人次受檢。 本研究是以2014年新北市農會委託新北市立聯合醫院辦理之新北市農漁民健康檢查成果報告為基礎,探討各區農會(漁會除外)農民健康檢查異常狀況與城鄉發展之關聯性。 新北市農漁民健康檢查每年皆會依據新北市衛生局建議微幅調整健檢項目,2014年共檢查11個大項目,再細分為21個小項目,其中低劑量肺部電腦斷層為本年度重點項目,本研究主要針對檢查項目中之低劑量肺部電腦斷層、心血管疾病及代謝症候群異常率與各行政區人口密度、營運中工廠數、醫療院所數、各區農會盈餘及農民佔總人口的比例進行相關係數及迴歸分析。 人口密度高低、營運中工廠數及醫療院所數多寡常可視為城鄉發展的指標,而各區農會盈餘跟地方金融與發展有直接的關係,農民佔總人口的比例越低則表示該區越都市化;由本研究結果可判斷低劑量肺部電腦斷層、心血管疾病及代謝症候群的異常跟都市化的程度息息相關,因此新北市政府及新北市農會,為了照顧農民健康除了定期辦理農民健檢以外,宜配合各區農會加強推行健康促進課程,提升農民自我健康管理能力,降低各項檢查異常發生率,節省醫療資源的負擔。


Farmers Association of New Taipei City began to provide health inspections for farmers and fisherman since 2009. The inspection is targeting at full member of the Association of New Taipei City whose age are above 50 years old. These farmers can have the inspection twice per year. A total of 43,910 members have been inspected. This research is based on the report published by the Farmers Association of New Taipei City in 2014 when the Association commissioned New Taipei City Hospital to conduct the health inspections. This study is motivated to use this data to investigate to what extent the urbanization would affect the health conditions of farmers and their farming potentials in the rural area. The inspection lists of the health inspection for the farmers and fisherman were chosen by the New Taipei City Health Bureau every year. In 2014, a total of 11 major categories were selected into the checklist, and then divided into 21 small items. Among all the tests, the low dose of lung computed tomography was the key categoryin2014. This study aimed at three most common illness associated with the ageing farmers: the low dose of lung computed tomography, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome abnormality which are in the examination checklist. The correlation coefficient and regression analyses were used to identify the specific impact of the population density of each administrative region, the number of factories in operation, the number of medical institutions, the profit of farmers' associations in each region and the total population of farmers. Population density, the number of factories in operation, and the number of hospitals were often regarded as the indicators of urban and rural developments. The profits of the farmers’ association have also a direct relationship between the proportion of farmers in the total population. In this research, we find out that the abnormal condition of Low dose of lung computed tomography, Cardiovascular diseases, and Metabolic syndrome have a high association with urbanization. Therefore, in order to take care of farmers’ health, the Association not only should provide a regular health checkup, but also give health promotion courses to raise farmers' self-health management and to prevent the incidence of abnormalities. With all of this, we can allocate and conserve our medical resources effectively


