  • 學位論文


The Copyright Liability of Internet Service Provider in Cloud Computing Technology

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


在現今的數位環境之下,最常見的網路互動模式即是「使用者創作內容」 (User Generated Content,簡稱UGC),例如常見的Youtube、Facebook、Blog外,也因為雲端技術的興起,使我們可以輕易將任何電子資訊備份、上傳、下載及儲存,進而促進資訊分享,增添生活樂趣。然而,隨網路規模的日益擴大,許多未經著作權人授權的音樂、電視節目、影集在網路世界中流竄,令著作權人團體大肆撻伐,網路也不可否認地成為了盜版的溫床。由於侵害著作權的態樣眾多而複雜,使用者往往隱藏在網路匿名性的背後,許多剛被檢舉遭移除的侵權內容,旋即又遭他人上傳,著作權人不堪其擾,紛紛對侵權行為源頭之網路服務提供者提出訴訟,主張其所產生的著作權直接或間接侵權責任。 數位先進大國美國即在1998年由國會制定「數位千禧年著作權法案」(the Digital Millennium Copypy right Act,簡稱DMCA)」對網路服務提供者(Internet Service Provider,簡稱ISP),以立法制定責任安全港的方式,讓四種類別的ISP在符合一定要件下,免除其民事賠償責任,希望藉此調和ISP及著作權人之利益,共同解決網路侵權問題。而我國也在2007年7月,參酌美國最高法院的Grokster案,引進引誘侵害制度,增訂著作權法第87條第1項第7款及同條2項規定;並於2009年4月修法通過,著作權法第六章之一「網路服務提供者之民事免責事由」專章,希冀與國際潮流接軌。 但隨著近年來雲端技術的興起,許多新型態的網路科技一再地挑戰原有的法律規定,究竟在最新的數位環境之下,面對著作權人之控訴,應如何界定網路服務提供者之責任,本文將從比較法方式,探討美國對於相關問題的法制及案例,並對我國將來可能面臨之困境提出一些淺見。


User generated content (UGC) social networking has been the most popular way in so called "Web 2.0" environment, such as Facebook, Blog, Wikipedia and Youtube. Recently with the developemnt of cloud computing technology, several revolutional services and electronic devices popped up and changed our lives rapidly. For example, we can easily upload, download, backup or share any information or files with others only by by Dropbox, Gmail or iCloud by a smart phone and internet. However, with the convenience of the internet and smart phones, copyright infringers caused much more damages in nowadays internet environment, but it was hard to traced the ananymous direct copyright infringers for authors, and in most situation these infringers had no financial capability to pay for the authours' damages. Therefore, authours turned to Internet Service Provider(ISP) for their damages. How to protect the authours but not to put too much liability for ISP has become a big problem for the government. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act(DMCA) is a United States copyright law which was implented to limited ISP liability trying to make a balance between authours and ISP. To cope with copyright infringment resulting from digital networking, Taiwan has established regulations in 2007, introducing inducement rule from the United States Supreme court Grokster case, and established our liability limit rules in 2009, but there are some diferrences between Taiwan and the U.S., and thus the goal of the thesis is to compare Taiwan copyright law especially about ISP safe harbors rules with DMCA, and tried to make some possible suggestions to help solving the current and potential problems for the cloud computing technology in the future.


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