  • 學位論文


Research on the sanitary sewage treatment by MBR system

指導教授 : 高思懷


近年來先進各國皆相繼研究發展生物處理單元結合薄膜固液分離單 元之生物薄膜程序。此程序將傳統生物程序之二級沉澱池以薄膜單元取代,其優點正可改善傳統生物處理程序現今所面臨的問題。另外,由於薄膜製造技術日新月異,使用年限已可增長至5 到8 年;加上薄膜成本隨著研發技術的進步而日趨下降,使得設置成本和操作費用大幅降低。本研究以實廠傳統生物程序及模廠生物薄膜系統處理水源區生活污水,探討其處理效能、優缺點,以作為未來實廠設計與操作之依據。 利用架設於直潭污水處理廠之MBR 模廠進行直潭區域之生活污水處 理及進、出流水採樣;並同步於直潭污水處理廠現場進行進、出流水採樣,並分析溫度、pH、SS、COD、BOD、DO、氨氮、磷酸鹽、硝酸鹽氮、大腸桿菌等水質資料。進而由兩者之數值分析比對,以瞭解各種處理之效率。 實廠傳統生物程序處理之水源區生活污水,SS、BOD5、COD、NH3-N、 PO43-、E-coil 去除率分別為88.9%、76.0%、72.8%、39.2%、18.5%、18.5%、94.4%以上。唯一美中不足的是於處理負荷變動大時,即無法穩定操作,故仍有操作上的瓶頸。根據生物薄膜系於控制操作條件下之研究結果顯示,SS、BOD5、COD、NH3-N、PO4 3-、E-coil,其去除率分別提高至97.2%、75.2%、81.0%、87.5%、37.9%、99.4%以上。生物薄膜程序不僅能提升水力負荷縮短水力停留時間至4 小時,其處理水質更可符合水回收再利用之標準,而有效的固液分離性質,將取代傳統生物處理程序中大部分固液分離及消毒設施,能有效節省土地面積,符合地小人稠的台灣發展。


The investigation of Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) process is popular recently.The membranes separation can be the substitution of sedimentation, which can solve many problems in the traditional biological treatment process. Besides, the life of membrane has been extending to 5-8 year; it’s longer and cheaper then before. The sewage of water shed of reservoir is the target for this research. The objective of this investigation is compared the performance of MBR and tradition biological process. The pilot MBR process in Ji-tan sewage treatment plane is treated for sewage,and sampling the raw water and effluent of MBR process and Ji-tan sewage treatment plane. The items of analysis were included pH, SS, COD, BOD, DO, NH3-N, PO43-,nitrate-nitrogen and E-coil. Compare the both to discuss the treatment performance. The results showed that, removal of SS、BOD5、COD、NH3-N、PO43-、E-coil of Ji-tan sewage treatment plane is 88.9%、76.0%、72.8%、39.2%、18.5%、18.5%、94.4%, respectively. The operation is not stable when the loading change. The removal of SS、BOD5、COD、NH3-N、PO43-、E-coil of MBR process is 97.2%、75.2%、81.0%、87.5%、37.9%、99.4% respectively. The HRT of MBR process is decreased to 4 hr, and the water quality can achieve the recycling standard.


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