  • 學位論文


Physicians' Knowledge of Chinese Medicine, Attitudes, Intention and Practice toward Integrative Medicine- Example of Three Hospitals in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 許怡欣


在臺灣有許多民眾經常求助於傳統中醫,並且同時使用傳統中醫和西醫治療疾病以及促進健康;然而,民眾通常不會告知西醫師或傳統中醫師,他們目前正在使用其他治療方式。目前,各類的醫療人員缺乏建構和實踐中西醫整合醫學的共識。故本研究的目的為瞭解西醫師對傳統中醫的認知、中西醫整合治療的態度與意願及行為。 本研究為一橫斷面研究,研究工具則為-結構式調查問卷。研究對象為北區三家區域醫院之西醫師,採不記名的方式請各院秘書協助問卷發放與回收。研究對象共310位西醫師,回收241份,其中有效問卷191份,回收率為77.7%,有效回收率則為61.6%。 調查結果顯示,近一年主動提供病人使用中西醫整合治療之西醫師佔20.4%,治療疾病則以中風居多。另一方面,參加中西醫整合治療相關研討會之次數,能增進傳統中醫之認知、中西醫整合治療之態度以及進行中西醫整合治療之意願。最後,有71.7%西醫師表示,若院內設有中西醫整合部門會增加其使用中西醫整合治療之意願。 本研究建議醫院管理者應尋求最佳的方式鼓勵西醫師實行中西整合治療,並加強中西醫雙方部門之熟識。另一方面,未來研究者可針對此議題調查臺灣其它醫院之醫師,將有助於瞭解中西醫整合治療的整體情況。


整合醫學 傳統中醫 知識 態度 意願 行為


Many consumers in Taiwan often adapt traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and use it concurrently with conventional medicine to treat illnesses and promote wellness. However, consumers often do not tell physician about TCM or TCM practitioners about conventional treatments that they are using. Currently, there is a lack of consensus about the structure and practice of integrative medicine among the various types of practitioners. The purpose of the research is to understand physicians' knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, attitudes and practice toward integration of traditional Chinese medicine and conventional medicine. We conducted a comprehensive literature review to develop a questionnaire. The cross-sectional survey of the physicians belonging to three regional hospitals in northern Taiwan were carried out by means of an anonymous questionnaire. The questionnaires were sent to 310 physicians and returned by 241 (77.7%). 20.4% had referred a patient to a traditional Chinese medicine. 71.7% physicians stated that they would refer a patient if an integrative medicine department was available at their institution. Randomized controlled trials were considered the level of evidence required for most physicians to consider incorporating a traditional Chinese therapy into their practice. Participating in the integrative medicine conference could enhance knowledge of Chinese medicine, attitudes and intention toward integrative medicine. Hospital managers should seek the best way to encourage physicians who are not willing to practice integrative medicine. Future exploration in other areas or hospitals of Taiwan would be helpful in understanding the overall situation about integrative medicine.


丁志音(2002)。臺灣社會中的補充及另類療法:概況及使用。行政院國科會專題研究計畫成果報告(計劃編號:NSC 90-2412-H-002-019)。
