  • 學位論文


An empirical study of the relationships among corporate entrepreneurship , job satisfaction and innovativeness in TSC -middle manager’s view

指導教授 : 莊立民


在過去對公司創業精神之研究多數著重在高階管理團隊(Top Manager Team, TMT)對組織績效之影響,至於在提高公司創業精神的做法中,影響一個組織是否願意繼續實施公司創業策略以及中階主管是否願意繼續從事創業行為的成敗因素之相關研究卻付之厥如,然而中階主管是否願意繼續從事創業行為又常受到其工作滿意度之影響,進而對組織及個人之創新能力造成不同之作用,因此,本研究主要在探討台糖公司中階主管對公司創業環境之認知、工作滿意度及創新能力之間的關聯性。透過多變量統計分析的方法來探討台糖公司之中階主管對公司創業環境之認知及所產生之工作滿意度對創新能力預測能力。 本研究以台糖公司322位課級中階主管實證結果:一、國營事業中階主管對公司創業環境之認知對工作滿意度有顯著的影響。二、國營事業中階主管工作滿意度對企業的創新能力有正向顯著的影響。三、國營事業中階主管對公司創業環境之認知對企業的創新能力有正向顯著的影響。四、國營事業中階主管之工作滿意度對公司創業環境之認知及組織創新能力具有中介之效果。 中階主管的創業行為中的個人認知及其滿意度對組織或個人之創新能力之展現是關鍵因素。因此,強化公司高階管理團隊及中階主管之關係,使高階管理團隊更為重視創新能力的培養,讓企業有更正向的發展,提高相互的信任程度才能明白彼此應對企業肩負的責任及義務,對公司創業活動之推動及執行之成果,則將產生更大之加乘效果。


In the past, the research of entrepreneurship focused mostly on the influence of the top manager team (TMT) on organizational performance. However, in the practice of elevating entrepreneurship, there were few researches of whether the organization would insist on implementing the strategy of entrepreneurship, or the researches of determining factors about whether middle-level executives would continue taking actions of entrepreneurship. However, the willingness of middle-level executives to take actions of entrepreneurship was usually influenced by their job satisfaction, which would further make distinct effects on organizational and individual innovative capability. Therefore, this research mainly discussed the relationships among perception of corporate entrepreneurship environment, job satisfaction and innovativeness of middle-level executives from Taiwan Sugar Corporation (TSC). This research adopted multivariate statistical analysis to discuss the predictive ability of corporate entrepreneurship on job satisfaction and innovativeness of TSC’s middle-level executives. This research gained following empirical results from 322 subjects of middle-level executives from TSC: 1.The entrepreneurship perception of company environment from middle-level executives in public enterprise had significant influence on job satisfaction; 2. The job satisfaction from middle-level executives in public enterprise had significantly positive influence on company’s ability of entrepreneurship; 3. The entrepreneurship perception of company environment from middle-level executives in public enterprise had significantly positive influence on company’s ability of entrepreneurship and 4. The working satisfaction from middle-level executives in public enterprise had mediating effects on entrepreneurship perception of company environment and organizational innovative ability. Individual perception in middle-level executives’ actions of entrepreneurship and satisfaction were key factors of expression of organizational or individual innovative ability. Hence, after enhancing the relationship between TMT and middle-level executives, the TMT would emphasize development of innovative ability more, and lead a more positive development for enterprise. Only through elevating trust between the two parties would they realize the responsibility and obligation they should take, and thus, the promotion and implementation of entrepreneurship actions and implementation would result in greater performance.


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