  • 學位論文


The Discussion of Making Improvements On Living Space of The Elders

指導教授 : 魏主榮


老人及其居住空間在九○年代後的台灣開始受到重視,雖然硬體設備方面有日漸完善的趨勢,但整體空間忽略了由老人生活行為所衍生諸如生活安全、自主獨立、方便使用、反社會化等的問題與其心理層面實質需求的考量,導致實質地使用上無法達到設計預期的理想。 因此,本研究基於想要拉近設計及使用兩者間落差的動機,檢視台灣老人族群社會地位與生活價值觀的變化對其所處空間的連帶影響;透過國內外案例的分析,由空間與老人使用行為間互動關係之觀點切入,發現空間構成形式及元素對老人使用者的影響並提出相對應的改進作法,並以安養機構與一般住家的老人居住空間實際案例操作,具體回應目前現況的問題點,也藉由與使用者密切的意見交換,發掘其他有利設計的參考模式,使老人的居住空間不再是隨意配置、堆砌的結果,而是一處可以自在活動、舒適生活的場所。 透過趨勢的預測與實例的檢討,本研究所欲強調的重點有三:(一)在將至的年代裡,老人的人口勢必愈來愈多,如何提供一個適合健康老人安全居住、方便使用的空間,將會是爾後室內設計的重點之一;(二)老人對空間的認同,將會逐漸由實質的硬體層面轉向感覺的心理層面;(三)老人居住空間的主角將由老人本身取代設計者,亦即,愈能在空間中強化老人使用效益之設計,將會受到更多老人的青睞。


老人 居住空間 設計


The elders and the place where they dwell were being concerned after 90’s in Taiwan. Although the equipments has become much more archived, consideration of physically essential requirements and issues brought about from the elders’ living behavior such as “security of life”, “independence”, “convenience” and “antisocial ideology” are still ignored and that conducts unreached anticipation of design for practical use. Therefore, the research inspects the effect of space related to the change of status of society and value of life of the elders in Taiwan owing to the emotion of reducing interval between design and use. By analyzing abroad and local cases and inducting constitution from the interactive relationship between the space where they live and their behavior can we find out the effect of forms and elements of space to the aging users and point out the method of improvement. We practically response the problems of situation nowadays by dealing with the real cases of healthy factors and normal houses and also figure out references that benefits design by exchanged opinions with users, so that the place where the elders live will no longer be planned or designed negligently but a place that can freely act and comfortably live. By means of anticipating and checking cases, the essay emphasizes three aspects: (1) it will be the keypoint of interior design that how we provide a suitable place for the elders safely living and conveniently using in the coming years with a large amount of aging people, (2) the identification of space of the elders will gradually transforms from practically instrumental aspect to feelingly physical aspect, (3) the elders will substitute designers to be the administrators in the space where they live. In other words, design that can reinforce the efficiency of the elders in space are going to be valued by the elders.


aging life design


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邱雨柔(2013)。從高齡者行為探討都市老人中心之規劃 -以台北市為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2013.00600
