  • 學位論文


A Study on Building Key Performance Indicators of Business Intelligence – For Example in Plastic Mold Industry

指導教授 : 皮世明


目前台灣塑膠模具業正面臨各方競爭且需全方位轉型與升級,依行政院提出之計劃(行政院, 2012),無論是從創新研發、資訊科技、製造生產等面向再升級,進而創造台灣塑膠模具業的榮景,在這個競爭的環境中如何永續生存和經營是目前台灣塑膠模具業的挑戰。個案企業導入資訊科技已有TIPTOP ERP、IBM Lotus Notes等辦公室自動化系統,累積了數量龐大的交易資料,該如何靈活應用商業智慧(Business Intelligence, BI)系統來分析企業交易資料進而轉化為決策資訊,並加速企業取得可以做為決策工具的關鍵績效指標,希望能從商業智慧系統中找出適合使用的商業數據模型提供給決策者做參考是我本次研究的主要目的。 商業智慧已是目前企業組織發展的重要關鍵決策工具,能整合、彙總、清理看似不重要的資料數據成為有用的戰略決策資訊,已經成為企業有利的決策工具讓企業在競爭市場中取得領先,然而如何將前端來源資料,例如:TIPTOP ERP或IBM NOTES資料做轉換、彙整、清理,轉換成有用的決策數據並寫入資料倉儲,並且將交易型的關連式資料庫(Relational Database)轉換成決策型的多維度資料庫,讓決策者可以用多維的角度與視野查看歷史經營的狀況並能更即時(Real Time)的取得關鍵績效指標(KPIs)數據,提供高品質的商業數據使企業決策者能即時調閱數據且能快速調整經營決策的方向或者提供各類不同的資訊給各階層的決策人員,讓企業經營的更有效率,當決策正確進而產生利潤,是我本次研究要努力的方向與目標。


Taiwan plastic mold industry is facing competition in the parties and need comprehensive transformation and upgrading, according to plan (Executive Yuan, 2012) proposed by the Executive Yuan, either upgrade from innovative research and development, information technology, manufacturing production-oriented, thus creating Taiwan plastic mold industry boom, in this competitive environment to survive and how sustainable is the challenge of operating in Taiwan plastic mold industry. IT companies have been imported cases TIPTOP ERP, IBM Lotus Notes and other office automation systems, has accumulated a huge amount of transaction data, how flexible application business intelligence (Business Intelligence, BI) systems to analyze business transaction data and then transformed into decision-making information, and accelerate the enterprises can serve as a decision-making tool of key performance indicators, hoping to find the appropriate business intelligence systems used in commercial data model provides a reference for policy makers is the main purpose of my study. Business intelligence is the key decision-making tool is currently developing the organization, to integrate, aggregate, clean up seemingly unimportant information and data into useful information for strategic decision-making has become a favorable decision tools allow enterprises to get ahead in a competitive market, But how will the front source data, such as: TIPTOP ERP or IBM NOTES information to do the conversion, collection, cleaning, converted into useful decision-making data and write data warehousing and transaction-based relational databases is converted into the decision-making type of multi-dimensional database, so that policy makers can use the multi-dimensional perspective and vision to see the history of operating conditions and can be more immediate (Real Time) achieved key performance indicators (KPIs) data, providing high-quality business data to make decision makers Instant access to data and can quickly be able to adjust the direction of business decisions or to provide different types of information to all levels of decision-makers, so that more efficient business operations, and produce profits when the correct decision is that I want to strive for this study direction and goals.


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