  • 學位論文


Study Elderly core muscles and enhance the relationship between happiness: In reply to course participants Miaoli function Case

指導教授 : 林麗惠


本研究旨在探討高齡者核心肌群提升與幸福感之關係。採用問卷調查法,針對苗栗市機能回復課程學員進行調查,總計回收有效問卷60份。研究工具為研究者自編的「高齡核心肌群提升與幸福感相關調查問卷」為研究工具。調查所得結果分別以描述性統計、相依樣本重複量數t檢定、單因子變異細數分析、Person 積差相關等統計方法進行分析。本研究主要結果與發現如下: 一、不同健康狀況之高齡者其核心肌群有顯著差異。 二、不同參與學習時間之高齡者其核心肌群有顯著差異。 三、接受核心肌群強化訓練課程的實驗組受試者在上肢肌群、下肢肌群、以及平衡能力之後測均大於前測。 四、接受核心肌群強化訓練課程的實驗組受試者在上肢肌群、下肢肌群、以及平衡能力均大於控制組。 五、高齡者核心肌群提升對其幸福感也有所提升。 本研究最後針對結果與發現提出以下建議: 一、加強高齡者運動觀念宣導。 二、加強培訓更多的高齡運動指導者。 三、設立適合高齡者運動之機構。 四、開設高齡運動知識相關課程。 五、推廣高齡運動知識講座與活動。 六、高齡者運動進入團體或攜伴參與更能幫助動機維持。 七、高齡學習者應多了解各種運動之優劣。


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the elderly and the core muscles to enhance a sense of well-being. Questionnaire was used for course participants Miaoli reply function to investigate a total of 60 valid questionnaires were recovered. Researchers directed the research tools "to enhance the core muscles of elderly and well-being related questionnaire" as a research tool. The resulting findings were descriptive statistics, the number of dependent sample t test, single factor analysis of the breakdown of variation, Person product moment correlation repeated measures statistical methods of analysis. The main results and findings are as follows: 1.Different state of health of the elderly person whose core muscles have significant differences. 2.Participation in different learning elderly person's core muscles have significant time difference. 3.Accept the core muscles intensive training courses in subjects in the experimental group after upper limb muscles, leg muscles, and the balance is greater than the pre-test were measured. 4.Accept the core muscles intensive training courses in experimental subjects upper limb muscles, leg muscles, and the balance was higher than the control group. 5.Elderly person core muscles to enhance their well-being has improved. The study found that the final results for the following recommendations: 1.Strengthen the concept of elderly advocacy movement. 2.To strengthen the training of more elderly sports instructors. 3.The agency set up for the elderly Movement. 4.The creation of knowledge-old sports-related courses. 5.To promote the sport aged lectures and activities. 6.Elderly person moves into groups or carry with participation of more help to maintain motivation. 7.Elderly learners to learn more about the pros and cons of the various sports.


林泰祐、林麗娟 (2011)。阻力訓練對減緩老年人骨骼肌減少症的效益。中華體育季刊,25。台北。
