本論文研究的內容鎖定於線上遊戲利用於網路行銷的初探性研究,對於目前網際網路上利用各式線上遊戲來發展行銷業務的現況,本研究利用個案及訪談、問卷的方式企圖獲得一個初步的研究結果,以利企業主或未來研究者進行更進一步的探討。 線上遊戲領域的範圍相當的廣大,利用線上遊戲的方式也有所不同,加上網際網路的發展迅速,本研究針對此現象鎖定個案進行研究,特別是近年來各式針對網路的研究如雨後春筍般的出現,但是,其中對於線上遊戲作為行銷工具的相關研究並不多見,值此網際網路發展低潮時期,線上遊戲的發展卻逆勢大行其道,其中所隱含的行銷利基是本研究希冀探討了解的。 本研究的重點在於: 1)了解線上遊戲網站使用者使用程度對行銷效果的影響。 2)了解以線上遊戲作為網路行銷之效果。 3)了解人口統計變數對於線上遊戲網站使用程度之關係。 4)了解使用形態變數對於線上遊戲網站使用程度之關係。 並以此為出發點,對線上遊戲個案網站進行研究,希望獲得未來研究的參考價值。
The destination of this researching is a elementary study of doing Internet marketing via online-game. Hope to replicate the situation of the Internet marketing via online-game by method of case-study, interview and survey, finally contribute a premier result to help enterprise and further researching. The scope of online-game is quite wide, and the purposes are different also. As the speedy grown of Internet, difference category of inter sites had been build up but only few of them did marketing via online-game. Online-game is coming more popular recently in the down-trend of Internet, seems there is some niches of marketing via online game. There for, author of this thesis hope to present the ways to do marketing via online-game and analysis the marketing strategy on Internet. The emphasis of this researching are: 1)To know how the involvement of online-game site''''s user effective the marketing result. 2)To know the marketing effectiveness of a site that base on online-game services 3)To know how the statistics of population related with the involvement of user who join the online-game site 4)To know how the involvement of online-game site''''s user take effect the marketing result. And hope it will fund a start-base to stimulate further study.