  • 期刊


The Relationships between Career Construct System and the Degree of Career Development for Junior High School Students


本系列研究以第一年研究成果(金樹人、許宏彬,民87)為基礎,沿用Kelly(1955)之個人建構心理學來探討國中學生之生涯建構系統與其生涯發展狀態的關係,研究目的為:(1)以量化方式探究建構系統之分化性、統整性、衝突性與生涯發展六個重要變項之間的關係;(2)以質化訪談方式瞭解不同類型的建構系統所呈現的生涯發展程度。 在量化部份,本研究以426位台北縣市國民中學三年級學生為受試者。參考第一年研究成果與許宏彬(民86)之生涯選擇方格形式,設計出適合國中學生使用的生涯建構量表,以評量其建構系統之分化性、統整性與衝突性;另採用林幸台(民84)所編製之生涯發展量表,來瞭解受試者之生涯感受、生涯信念、生涯認識、思考廣度、生涯探索與生涯計畫。之後,以典型相關統計分法分析建構系統與六個生涯發展變項之間的關係。在質化部份,依據建構系統三項指標之平均數為切截點,以隨機方式選出原初AB型、愼思AB型、明辨AB型及篤行AB型共八位研究參與者;在自我知識、職業知識、決定與行動、效能信念四個訪談面向下,進行試探性訪談後擬定訪談指南大綱。訪談所得資料以現象學的方法(Hycner,1985)進行分析。 綜合量化與質化的結果,發現國中學生的生涯建構系統與生涯發展程度有密切關係,唯此一關係並非全然是線性的。建構系統之統整性與生涯感受、生涯信念、生涯認識、思考廣度與生涯計畫等變項呈現出同方向的互動關係,而衝突性則與上述變項有反向的關係,分化性與生涯發展程度的關係則較不一致。質化資料分析結果亦顯示出在生涯建構系統兩極端之原初型與篤行型有較明顯的生涯發展特徵,前者的發展程度偏低,後者則偏高,但處於兩極端中間之愼思型與明辨型的生涯發展程度較為混淆不清。整體而言,生涯建構系統統整性、衝突性與生涯發展程度的關係最為密切,此一發現可作為後續研究依據個人建構心理學来發展生涯諮商策略之參考。


The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the relationships between Kelly's (1955) personal construct system and the degree of career development for junior high school students. Two studies were conducted via qualitative method and quantitative method respectively for this purpose. In study one, the revised career choice repertory grid and the Career Development Inventory were administered to 426 subjects. The data were analyzed by canonical correlation. In study two, eight types of the participants were categorized by the degree of differentiation, integration and conflict ratio: Primitivity A, Primitivity B, Preemption A, Preemption B, Circumspection A, Circumspection B, Control A, Control B. The participants were selected from study one and then accepted interview. The transcripts of interview were analyzed by the Hycner's (1985) phenomenological method. The major findings were as follows: (a) in study one, the data indicated that the relationships between career construct system and the degree of career development turned out to be unlinear for junior high school students. The degree of integration had positive relations with the degree of career development, however, the conflict ratio had negative relations with the degree of career development, and the degree of differentiation had inconsistent relations with the degree of career development; (b) in study two, the Primitivity type held lower degree of career development and the Control type possessed higher degree of career development as predicted by the theory, while the other types were somewhat vague in between. The implications of the findings for the personal construct theory and career counseling were suggested.


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