  • 期刊


The Application of Sports Injury Management System on Injury Surveillance


為了監測高中和大學運動員的受傷情形,1980年代中期由發展中的美國國家運動傷害疾病提報系統(National Athletic Injury/Illness Reporting System, NAIRS)創建了一個運動傷害管理系統(Sports Injury Management System, SIMS)並應用在全國美式足球聯盟、全國冰上曲棍球聯盟、全國大學生體育協會及國家運動防護員協會(the National Athletic Trainers' Association, NATA)。其主要目的是針對運動員的運動傷害復健和預防,並提供給運動主要訓練者、照顧運動員的防護人員及隨隊醫生一個完整地醫務監督通訊系統。另外,許多學術論文透過此系統完成一些具體運動項目的調查;諸如傷害類型、種類及罹患率或盛行率等。也應用於某些特定的運動項目如:棒球、籃球、美式足球、足球、冰上曲棍球、摔角和游泳等的運動傷害成因及其造成傷害的型態之調查。期望能藉由本文對於SIMS的探討,以作為國內未來建構運動員傷害管理系統的參考。


To execute the injury surveillance in collegiate and high school athletes, the National Athletic Injury/Illness Reporting System (NAIRS) created the Sports Injury Management System (SIMS) in National Football League, the National Hockey League, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, and the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) in the mid-1980s. The target purpose was to provide the communication linking system for athletic trainers who mainly take care of athletes and team physicians who are the medical supervisors for athletes to facilitate the rehabilitation and prevention against sports injuries. Using this system, many profound research studies have been completed to investigate the injury types, modes, incidence and prevalence in several specific sports, such as baseball, basketball, football, soccer, wrestling and swimming. We expect that the introduction of SIMS in this article is to provide useful guides for the development of a similar sports injury monitoring system in Taiwan in the future.


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