  • 期刊

運動藝術 美學饗宴

Sport Performing Arts: Aesthetic Feast




Alongside the development of sports science and sports technology, artistic appeal has become a key to success in the field of athletics. From a brief overview of the development of the aesthetic sports, and taking examples from aerobics gymnastics and acrobatic dance, this paper considers the gradual evolution of traditional athletics toward a focus on choreography, orchestration and the athlete’s body posture. Modeling artistic beauty in athletic performance has now become the soul of the aesthetic sports. This paper explores the impact of aesthetics on sport (dance, acrobatics, and the philosophy of athletics), and subsequently derive the general aesthetic characteristics of such sports from relevant specific features. This paper also engages in a deeper exploration of the theory and practice of the aesthetic sports to provide an overview and summary; supply a foundation for future analysis, synthesis, inductions, deduction; and construct a systematic, theoretical and institutionalized approach. This study concludes that aesthetic intervention can enhance people’s understanding of the nature, culture and spirit of sports; foster their ability to appreciate watching sports competitions and aesthetics; and combine athletics and aesthetics to show the "power" and "beauty" of sports. Thus it is recommended that in the future the education system should introduce the culture and development of sports to children, helping them actively participate in sports and develop an understanding and appreciation of its element of beauty. Higher education can explore the integration of sports and the arts, aesthetics, and competitive games, so that movement art becomes a cultural characteristic of Chinese sports and arts education.


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