  • 學位論文


A Study of the Selection and Identification Processes for third Grade Studenets in Musically Talented Program

指導教授 : 賴美鈴


本研究旨在探究我國國小音樂才能班之新生入學鑑定方式。首先透過文獻的蒐集分析,探討音樂才能的定義與音樂才能兒童之特質,並比較我國與美國對於音樂才能兒童的鑑定方式;繼之藉由問卷調查以了解國內鑑定方式之實施現況,及其所衍生的問題;之後並從鑑定成績與音樂學習成就的相關分析結果,與兩者間之多元迴歸分析的結果,探討各種鑑定工具對音樂才能兒童之音樂學習成就的預測情形。本研究分兩階段實施:第一階段以台灣地區三十所公立國小音樂才能班之負責甄別工作的現職教師為對象,採用「國民小學音樂才能班新生入學鑑定方式調查表」為研究工具,調查八十六∼八十八學年度的鑑定現況,結果發現共有五種不同的鑑定方式。第二階段則以每種鑑定方式各地區擇取一校之原則抽樣,共選取十二所學校之音樂才能班四年級的學生297人為研究樣本;並收集其鑑定成績與就讀一年後之音樂學習成就,分別進行皮爾森積差相關分析與迴歸分析。針對研究目的將研究結果分述如下: 一、國小音樂才能班新生入學鑑定方式之現況 調查發現常用的測驗工具有音樂基本能力、術科、智力與音樂性向等測驗,但為各校所採用的略有不同。其中音樂基本能力測驗及術科測驗中的音階是二十九校皆施測的項目,而南區的學校則較強調術科測驗中的視奏能力。團體智力測驗在中區和東區的學校普遍採用,但整體看來,已有逐年減少的趨勢。此外,僅有三分之一的學校進行音樂性向測驗。各校對於學生的音樂基本能力、術科、智力及音樂性向等方面的計分比例有所差異,其中有十七校先以智力或音樂性向測驗為篩選工具,再依據學生之音樂基本能力及術科測驗成績高低錄取;有九校僅以學生之音樂基本能力及術科測驗成績高低決定錄取與否;另有兩校將其所採用的測驗內容都納入錄取成績之計算。而鑑定方式已衍生出下列的問題:如測驗工具不足、音樂班的定義模糊、「假性資優」的產生、智力測驗的迷思、鑑定人員之專業性不足,與缺乏客觀有效的鑑定模式等。 二、國內外音樂才能兒童鑑定方式之比較 比較我國和美國鑑定音樂才能兒童的方式後發現,兩國都將音樂才能列為資優領域的一類,開辦特殊教育計畫的時間頗為相近。而在鑑定程序方面,都含書面申請的步驟與音樂演奏能力之評估。但是,兩國在音樂資優教育背景、鑑定程序、鑑定工具、鑑定人員等方面則各有相異處。 三、各種鑑定成績與學生音樂學習成就之相關情形 智力測驗成績與音樂學習科目間多呈現無關;音樂性向與視唱聽寫及合唱兩學習成就間有正相關;音樂基本能力測驗結果大多與視唱聽寫、樂理、合奏及術科總平均間達到正相關,其中又以視唱聽寫為最;術科測驗成績大多與主修、副修、視唱聽寫及術科總平均間達到正相關。總結分析結果,發現除了智力測驗外,其餘各項鑑定成績均與音樂學習成就間有正相關存在。 四、各種鑑定工具對於學生音樂學習成就之預測效度 在十二所樣本學校中,至少有四校所採用之鑑定工具能預測視唱聽寫、主修、術科總平均、副修、合唱、合奏等音樂學習成就,尤其能預測視唱聽寫的學校更高達十所。就篩選程序來說,在考慮學生的音樂基本能力與術科測驗成績之前,以先使用音樂性向測驗篩選者能預測最多的音樂學習成就;而先使用智力測驗篩選者能預測的科目較少。由多元迴歸分析的整體結果看來,各校所採用之鑑定工具尚稱合理,但仍有部份學校的術科測驗或智力測驗對於某些音樂學習成就的迴歸係數為負值。 五、對於未來鑑定方式及測驗內容之建議 總結填答問卷之現任國小音樂才能班教師的意見,大體上多集中於是否實施「智力測驗」與「音樂性向測驗」的議題,反映出此兩項鑑定工具對於音樂學習成就是否具預測力仍然備受爭議。另外也有教師建議進行鑑別時,應兼顧學生潛能的發揮與後天的訓練,而不宜過分偏重術科測驗方面的成績。


This study is aimed at investigating the selection processes for third grade students in musically talented program. The study began with a review of the literature on the definition of talent in music and characteristics of musically talented children, as well as the comparison of the identification methods for musically gifted students in Taiwan and the United States. Next, a survey was distributed to 30 schools engaged in musically gifted education to grasp the existing identification procedures and the problems encountered in its administration. Last of all, the researcher analyzed the correlation-ships between the identifying data and the musical achievement scores of 297 students in 12 schools after they had completed the gifted programs for one year. The research findings are listed as following: 1. There were some testing instruments in common use, such as perceptive listening, performance, intelligence, and musical aptitude tests. 29 schools used assessment of musical activities involving perceptive listening and performance. The intelligence tests were being used in less and less schools, except for the middle and eastern regions of Taiwan. There were only one third of schools applying musical aptitude tests to screen musically talented students. The counting of test scores was different between schools. There were many problems in the administration of these gifted programs, including the lack of suitable instruments, an indistinct definition of musically "gifted" and "talented", lack of professional identification knowledge by the staff, the shortage of musically talented students' identification matrix, and so forth. 2. Comparative analysis revealed that while the reasons for the implementation of musically talented programs were largely similar in Taiwan and the United States, such as the background of gifted musical education, the processes of student selection and assessment. There were also several differences in the staff of identification. 3. IQ scores showed quite a low correlation with students' musical achievements. Musical aptitude had significant correlation with Sight Singing & Ear Training, and Chorus. Assessment of perceptive listening correlated well with Sight Singing & Ear Training, Music Fundamentals, Instrumental Ensemble, and the average of performance achievements. Assessment of musical performance also had a significant correlation with Major Performance Area, Minor Performance Area, Sight Singing & Ear Training, and the average of performance achievements. In conclusion, the identifying data had significant correlation with the musical achievement scores besides the intelligence tests. 4. The instruments adopted by at least 4 schools showed predictions on Major Performance Area, Minor Performance Area, Chorus, Instrumental Ensemble, and the average of performance achievements. In particular 10 schools could predict the Sight Singing & Ear Training. In the case of screening processes, using musical aptitude test as the cutoff method to select the gifted could predict maximum musical achievements, but using an IQ test did the minimum. As far as the results of multiple stepwise regression were concerned, the instruments used by schools engaged in musically gifted education were roughly reasonable. Also, some schools' coefficients belonging to the intelligence tests and the assessment of musical performance towards certain musical achievements were negative. 5. Most consultants of the musically talented program showed consideration as to whether the intelligence tests and the musical aptitude test should be applied or not. Some consultants suggested that the assessment of musical performance should not weight too much, but rather allow natural ability and training to be equally emphasized.


表現之預測效度研究。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告(NSC 83-
students in the performing arts. The Creative Child And Adult


