  • 期刊


Validation of the Chinese Version of Students' Perceptions of Teacher Feedback in Physical Education


在教與學的過程中,學生知覺教師回饋是教師和學生的橋樑,實有必要瞭解學生知覺教師回饋的情形。本研究目的乃在檢驗修訂的學生知覺體育教師回饋量表之整體適配度、建構效度和信度。共進行兩個研究,分別以兩個同樣性質但不重複的樣本(N1=591; N2=606)對國中和高中學生進行施測。先以兩個不同版本(Nicaise 的英文版問卷 [Nicaise, Bois, Fairclough, Amorose, & Cogérino, 2007; Nicaise, Cogérino, Bois, &Amorose, 2006],以及Koka and Hein [2005]的問卷)進行比較。其中Nicaise的英文版問卷為了使其更符合原始回饋類目,共增加了14題項。階段一對於學生知覺教師回饋的結構進行分析。經回溯翻譯、項目分析、探索性因素分析,最後形成以Nicaise為藍本而建立的一個適合測量臺灣國高中生的知覺教師回饋的12題版中文工具。隨後,階段二對階段一的測量工具進行驗證性因素分析,得到正面口語和非口語、負面口語及負面非口語3個因素共10題。此外,並以自覺能力量表與體育課動機型態量表檢驗此量表的預測效度。最後,建立了信度及效度得到初步確認的「學生知覺體育教師回饋量表」10題版。未來可以本量表作為體育課學生知覺體育教師回饋的測量工具。


Students' perception of teacher feedback is linked with teaching-learning processes and it is essential to understand the perception of students. The purpose of this study was to confirm the overall fit, reliability, and construct validity of the Chinese version of Students' Perceptions of Teacher Feedback Questionnaire (PTFQ). Two studies were conducted with two independent samples (N1=591 and N2=606) from junior and senior high schools in Taiwan. Two different versions of PTFQ, Nicaise's English version questionnaire (unpublished) and Koka and Hein's questionnaire (2005) were chosen for the initial comparison. Fourteen items were added to Nicaise's PTFQ in order to merge the original feedback categories. The first study analyzed the underlying constructs of students' perceptions of teacher feedback. The first version of Chinese PTFQ with revised 12-items was generated from Nicaise's questionnaire through a series of back-translation analysis, item analysis and exploratory factor analysis. Subsequently, the second study confirmed a first-order model of 10 items representing 3 factors, including positive verbal and nonverbal feedback, negative verbal feedback, and negative nonverbal feedback through confirmatory factor analysis. Besides, convergent validity was tested by perceived competence and motivation in physical education as a criterion. Finally, a 10-item, Chinese version of questionnaire measuring ”Students' Perceptions of Teacher Feedback in Physical Education” was developed. Further studies are necessary to examine the factorial stability and the generalizability for students from different developmental stages.


吳明隆(2009)。SPSS 操作與應用:問卷統計分析實務。臺北市:五南。


