  • 期刊


Community Organizations Participating in Preventive Elderly Care System: An Analysis of the Community Governance Perspective




In order to satisfy citizens' care needs and help older people to age in place, the government gradually subsidized community organizations to delivery care services for older adults. Within this system, there have been significant changes in the public-private sector interaction and effects on community-based sustainable development. Therefore, this study aimed to examine community governance perspectives, analyze challenges of community development associations participating in preventive elderly care, and outline some practical implications and suggestions. Through a literature review, this article discusses the roles and characteristics of community organizations in the preventive elderly care system and explores four challenges of Long Term Care Plan 2.0 (LTCP2) with the objective of building a caring community: (1) Government is facing the communitarian dilemma between seeking quantitative policy performance and respecting community autonomy; (2) Community organizations are bearing the risk in caregiving because of insufficient support; (3) Mechanisms of quality control and accountability increase volunteers' service alienation; (4) Failures of community organizations occur during political disturbance, aging volunteers, and community exclusion. Based on the research findings and for the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of LTCP2, this paper suggests that the government should provide sufficient support and impact assessment information for community organizations, improve management mechanisms, contract out professional supervision program, and arrange space and service support for communities.


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