  • 期刊


A Case Study of the Effectiveness of Applying Generic Learning Outcomes to the Planning of Educational Programs: Take "Welcome to Silk Paradise" at the National Museum of Natural Science as an Example


博物館的教育功能,大多是透過舉辦教育活動實踐。但活動規劃的過程是否嚴謹與觀眾的學習成效如何評估,已經成為近年來備受關注的議題。一般僅就活動舉辦的場數與參加人數來論斷成功與否,是很難完整地呈現該項功能的效果。因此,教育人員在規劃時,需要參考相關教育理論,才能有利於發展出具有脈絡與完整架構的教育活動。儘管目前國內尚無相關的教育活動規劃理論,但已有博物館教育人員參考英國博物館界發展的通用學習成效(Generic Learning Outcomes, GLOs)來進行活動規劃。本文以國立自然科學博物館在2011年規劃的教育活動「歡迎光臨絲樂園」為實例,進行質化與量化的評量研究,希望了解研究對象在使用通用學習成效規劃後的實際成效。根據研究結果顯示,藉由這套模式的輔助,活動參加者在學習成效的回饋多數呈現正面的意見,代表活動確實達到規劃者以該模式架構為基礎的各項學習目標。藉此,教育人員也能以更專業的角度去審視規劃內容,注意活動的不同面向。本研究建議未來在規劃教育活動時,能持續參照通用學習成效,提供博物館教育活動更多元的案例做為參照,不但有助於提升教育人員使用該模式的專業程度,也可讓教育活動規劃領域發展更加完備。


The educational function of a museum is typically implemented through educational programs. In recent years, how to plan educational programs scrupulously and evaluate learning outcomes have become topics of concern. Proving effectiveness merely by looking at the number of programs held and how many visitors came is a formidable process; therefore, when educators design programs, they need to refer to relevant educational theories to develop contextually and structurally effective educational programs. Although there are not any theories regarding the planning of educational programs, some museum educators have started referring to Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs) as a strategic tool when planning programs. In this study, the author has chosen the educational program ”Welcome to Silk Paradise,” which utilized GLOs and was organized by the National Museum of Natural Science in 2011. As a case study, the author analyzed both its quantitative and qualitative data, trying to realize the real outcomes of this case. According to the analysis, the program's participants presented positive feedback to this program, proving that this program achieved its goals by applying the GLOs concept. By reviewing this case, educators can look at program content design from a new standpoint and focus on different perspectives regarding educational programs. The author recommended that museum educators refer to GLOs when developing programs in the future and build up more case studies, which would enable other educators to use this modus operandi more professionally and accelerate the development of planning for educational activities as a field of study.


李靜芳(2007)。回首來時路:20 年來的臺灣博物館教育。博物館學季刊。21(2),7-33。


